The hero commission story

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Forty one years ago~
When me and my mother first got there I was confused because I didn't know why we were there but I knew it was not good if my mother took me there because anywhere we were taken it was terrible. When we walked in we were met by the manager of the hero commission and her secretary my mother said "hello I would like to sell my son to the hero commission for money." The manager smiled and said "sure how much you need" my mother replied with "how about five hundred trillion dollars" the manager nodded and said "follow me Ms todoroki with your son."

My mom nodded and we followed the manager and her secretary some where when we got there it was an empty room that looked like a metal room for prisoners it had a chair in the middle that looked weird. The manager looked down at me and said "can you get on the chair dear" and I just nodded because I didn't know what they we're going to do with me because I was young I walked up to the chair and sat on it. When I sat on it my feet and wrists were locked up and I couldn't get out of the chair the manager and my mom walked out of the room leaving me and the secretary alone and the secretary smiled and pressed a button and a bolt of electricity went into my body.

I screamed loud very loud in pain of how much electricity was going through my body at once it was about 2 million volts going through my body which was making my body bleed and burn. The secretary pressed another button then a bunch of needles went into my back and my head then I screamed louder then the manager walked back in and said "stop torturing for now I need to do something first." The secretary nodded and turned off everything then the manager walked over to me and put a needle into my arm and then I saw blood go through the tube into a bag which was on the arm of the chair.

The manager then grabbed another needle and then she said "press the lock button" the secretary then pressed two buttons then my chest was locked up and my eyes were blocked by something that was covering my eyes. Then I felt pain near my mouth like a knife was being sliced near my mouth then then my vision was back and I saw the manger holding a bloody scalpel she walked towards the secretary and whispered into her ear and left. The secretary walked over to a door that leads to an office that was behind glass so I can see where she is then she turned on something and something went over my head and started lighting up and show me images then I went black and passed out and that was the last thing I remembered in the hero commission.

Four years later~
Then the thing over my head left and I woke up seeing my dad and I started crying and saying "dad" I hugged him and noticed that I wasn't locked up anymore my father was crying because the way he saw me. He then picked me up and walked out of their then he walked out of the hero commission I started crying while looking around because for four years I have been in that hero commission being tortured and I was in a coma being tortured. Then my father opened his car and went sat down and closed the door and the put me into the seat next to him then he turned on the car and drove off to the house so I can see my sisters again after four years.

When we got there my father picked me up again and opened the car down then stepped out of the car and then he closed the door then he walked up to the door and opened it then he put me down on my feet. Then I saw my sisters run out because they saw me and they were crying and they ran up to me and then they stopped and the rest you may know already for my sisters story I never told my sister or anyone what I went through during the hero commission so pls don't hate me but I will understand if you do. I know what I went through was terrible but it was not that bad because eri went through a lot too at her age so I don't have the worst childhood I would say but it wasn't the best either so I can't say it wasn't the worst.

Present time no one's pov~
Enji sighed and said "that is all I have to say so do you hate me now" Enji looked at Toshi who was shocked and crying by the story and enji was confused and said "Toshi are you ok did I say something wrong." Then Toshi pulled enji into a hug and said "you said enough enji" enji was shocked then he hugged back and Toshi said "can we stay like this because I have questions but I want to calm down before I ask them." Enji replied with "ok and this for being here for me" Toshi smiled and said "your welcome enji and remember I will always be her for you when you need me" enji started crying and said "thank you Toshi."

Then enji fell asleep on Toshis shoulder and Toshi just laughed and tried gently getting enji off him so he can lay him down on the hospital bed but enji was not letting go so Toshi had no choice but sleep with him. Toshi grabbed the blanket and put it over them then he layed down and enji was still hugging him tightly and Toshi just turned off the light then he hugged enji and fell asleep. They both were asleep in each other's arms which was weird for them but they didn't mind at all since they we're friends right but at least they finally were together again.
To be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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