chapter 2 : he changed ?

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he changed , he make me wait for him everyday everynight just like how my parents did . i waited for him to call me , i even call him everyday but he didnt answer my call at all but i try to be positive that i might call at the wrong time or he might just busy . but i cant shake my overthinking off my head . i keep thinking that he dont like me anymore or he  find another girl or he dont have time for me or that he dont want to be with me anymore . i was overthinking when suddenly the maid called me 

" bulan ? what are you doing ? " nurin asked bulan and sit beside her 

" me ? aa takde pape " bulan stand up and looking at nurin with confused face 

" you want to give the money that mama and papa send for me right ? " bulan try to guess what nurin try to tell her 

" betul , tapi dorang ada bagi surat sekali " nurin give the money and letter that bulan's mm and dad send 

" terima kasih nurin , you can leave my room " bulan take the money and letter as she say to nurin 

" dear bulan , anak satu satu nya mama , papa dan mama 
akan balik ke rumah minggu depan . kami hanya akan duduk dirumah sekejap selama 
seminggu selepas itu mama dan papa akan terus pergi outstation ke luar negara selama 3 bulan , kami akan bekalkan duit dan stok makanan dan barang yang bulan perlukan . " 

" again ? just what i expected " bulan smirk as she put the money in her drawer . theres a lot more money she have but she dont know what to do with the money because he used to give fakhri the money but now fakhri changed . 

" dan aku kahar " 

" dan aku kahar "

" dan aku kahar " 

her alarm went off , it time for her to go to library to study math . " bagus , masa aku sia sia sebab tu je " she stomp her feet as she storm off to the library bringing her math book and few stationery 

she arrived at her private library , eventough she hated studying , she make a promise to herself to always study so she could get good grades not to make her parents proud of her but to get to a good university and left home quickly .

bulan open to math book and start calculating . but her mind still thinking about where fakhri went . suddenly there a notification 

" ting " 

she quickly grab her phone and check if that was fakhri . but nope it just some person who liked her post on instagram 

she sigh and close the phone and get up to eat . " ah lantak dia lah aku dah tak kisah " bulan said , but deep down she love fakhri so much that she dont want to lose him . 

she went to downstairs to eat and sit down on the table , while waiting for the maid to cook the food , a tears went down to her face . she didnt realize that she was crying until the maid ask 

" bulan ? are you okay ? why are you crying ? 

cry ? that is not bulan . bulan never cry over anything before this , this is the fist time she cried .

" bodoh  . " she get up and run to the room . slam the door shut continue crying about fakhri . and she have a crazy idea . sh . she was so stressed about a boy and she cant even believe it . she did it and the blood went dripping at the floor 

" blood ? oh i love this " suddenly there's a knock on her door 

" bulan ? " 

she quickly hide her hands and the knife . and get tissue to hide the blood 

" ye siapa tu ? " bulan asked 

" naim " 

at first she didnt recognized that name , suddenly the door open and  the minute she saw the face , she know that is fakhri's older brother 

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