chapter 7 : book

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fakhri just stay silence , but inside him he just want to choke kahar for messing with "his" bulan .

while naim , still looking for bulan . he forgot to pass the school uniform and some books . naim was so mad at fakhri for showing up infront of bulan while he is showing bulan around the school.


5:30 petang

bulan was hoping to see naim , hoping naim to cheer her up and smile to her again. then she decided to unpack her things , she was hidimg her phone in the drawer and putting the clothes in until the hears a knock.




she want to open , but scare it might be kahar. she seems like dont care and act dumb around kahar but she was sweating all under the shirt. nervous and scared

" siapa tu ?  " bulan slowly peek

" naim " naim smiled

her heart skip a beat again , but this time she decide to act bold .

" oh naim ? masuk la " bulan smile

naim come in with full hand , holding the clothes , her books and his secret book

" eh sorry sorry , meh aku tolong " bulan take the clothes and hang it in her wardrobe

naim sit on her bed , " penat gila harini " naim sigh loudly

" minum la " bulan passed a monster energy drink to him

" wih mahal ni " naim took it and drink

" thanks bulan , kau memang terbaik " naim smile widely

bulan try to stand still and cover her red cheek , " he's so pretty " bilan whisper to herself

bulan was on her way to sit beside naim until she slip and almost fall . thank god naim catch her as soon as possible . suddenly it was like the time stop and they were making eye contact for a long time . naim ears begin turning red . and bulan ? she couldnt act like she didnt feel anything at all .

she felt butterflies in her tummy , she want to scream so bad but she dont want naim to know about her feeling towards him .

finally they came back to reality , bulan was still in naim's arm . until naim let her go

" kau berat . sorry " naim look the opposite way . he couldnt look bulan in the eyes. those dark green eyes . can make him melt in a second

bulan just awkwardly laugh seeing naim's adorable reaction .

" comel "

" urm bulan , nanti malam ikut aku kumpul dekat dewan "  naim said , he still cant look bulan in the eyes

" baik encik nor naim " bulan standup and act like she was talking to a police captain

naim laugh , such a cute scene of bulan acting like that .

" aku gerak dulu , bye busuk " naim tease bulan .


" busuk tu sebab aku busuk betul betul ke ? ke tu nickname je ? " bulan smell her top

" wangi je , apa yang busuk ? " bulan scratch her head.

bulan sit down to her study table , opening the old book she bring. suddenly she saw two book that she remember didnt bring it , she open one of them .

" bulan "

there was her childhood photos in it , her old drawing , and everything in that book is about bulan , bulan is so confused

" siapa yang buat ni ? " bulan face changed when she saw a contract

" perjodohan bulan "

she was about to read it until she heard another knock on her door

" berapa banyak tetamu la bilik aku harini " bulan sigh

she close the book and open the door , she tought it was naim but it fakhri

bulan start to cry and run to hug himy

" diamlah kalau break sebagai girlfriend boyfriend pun , balik lah sebagai kawan fakhri kecik aku dulu " bulan punch fakhri in the stomach slowly

fakhri smile  , and was about to hug her back , until he remember his plan .

" Tak , aku takkan balik kat kau lagi bulan " fakhri slowly push her

bulan just stood there , watching fakhri become a completely different person she used to know.

and there , bulan find herself crying over fakhri again , she wiped the tears and went to read the weird book again , but when she went back the book was not there anymore. she sigh , she was about the see the important contract but she missed it .

that mystery book haunt bulan , bulan was thinking about it all night . " Perjodohan ? dengan siapa ? "

and then she try to guess , if it will be naim , she would be gladly agree to it . and then bulan start to dreaming she marrying naim .. and have kids .. and then have a happy family .. she screamed in her pillow

another knock on her door , she sigh again and open it . " Naim? "

" ikut aku " naim took bulan's hand to the back of school , on they way to go to their destination ..

suddenly someone slap her . and took bulan hand to another oppostie way .


" aku tak sangka .. kau semurah ni bulan . nak keluar berdua duaan malam malam dengan jantan ? betina jenis apa kau ni ? " fakhri said to bulan harshly .

and then , something insidr bulan just snapped . she slap fakhri hard and push him. she didnt cry but she was so angry at fakhri. this time she wont hold it anymore.

and then bulan left naim and fakhri , run to her dorm .

she punch the wall hard , she is so mad at fakhri for changing like this . she hated the new fakhri . where did the loving and soft fakhri go ?

" aku tak sangka .. kau semurah ni bulan . nak keluar berdua duaan malam malam dengan jantan ?betina jenis apa kau ni ? "

fakhri words stuck in bulan mind. it was like a radio that play the same song all the time . she begin to hate fakhri .

" naim , the mystery book , fakhri "


bulan burned with anger, she punch the wall very hard this time until her hand start to have bruises and bleeding a litte bit

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