chapter 9

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[ skip to bila dorang cuti seminggu ]

bulan feel like she dont want to come home , she is not ready to see her parents after knowing they hide about the "perjodohan" . that is such a important thing , why would they hide it from me ?

the next morning

bulan was going out to get some fresh air when she saw naim carrying his backpack.

" naim ! " bulan shouted his name

naim turned his back , his face lit up when he saw bulan running to him , naim smiled

" kau .. nak .. pergi mana ? " bulan ask as she gasping for air

" balik ke rumah la , kau tak balik ke ? " naim ask

" urm tak .. ada kerja sikit kene siapkan " bulan lied , giving a dumb excuse to him

" eh setahu aku semu-- " out of blue , someone interrupted his conversation.

it naim's mom , she made a confused face

" ni siapa ? " His mom ask

" mama tak kenal ke ? ni bulan lah" naim gentely tap on his mom shoulder

" bulan ?! ni bulan ?? " Naim's mom exictedly run to hug bulan.

" bulan dah besar la dulu kecikk je aunty tengok " she said as she softly pinch bulan's cheek.

" rindu nya masakan aunty " bulan make a sad face

his mom took bulan hand and said

" jom ikut aunty balik jom !! "

" eh tapi baju macam-- " bulan was about to finish his setences then his mom interrupted again

" ish pakai je baju naim " they walk fast to the car , leaving naim standing there alone

" haih mama kalau nampak bulan , memamg lupa ada anak sendiri " naim sigh as he run to the car.

naim sat in the infront passenger sit , he looked out the window and saw fakhri eyeing them with a sharp eyes 


naim just roll his eye , and continue talking to his mom. bulan just awkwardly sit at the back

after 45 minutes driving , they finally arrived

bulan step out and saw a garden of flowers , she always love nature and garden , even her house i surrounded by flowers.

" bulan masuklah rumah dulu " naim's mom smiled

" okay aunty " bulan reply

" ishh takyahla panggil aunty panggil mama je " his mom said and went inside the house.

" mama ! " naim shouted

dua dua tersipu malu , comel aje

bulan face turn red , she run inside the house leaving naim.

" kene tinggal lagi .. " naim sigh

naim just come inside the house and his mom shouted from the kitchen.

" Naim ! nanti bagi bulan baju "

naim totally forget about that , he run upstair to choose some small tshirt

naim open the wardrobe , looking for his old tshirt

" shit! mesti mama dah buang "

" bagi hoodie lama aku jelah eh ? muat ni bulan takdela kecik sangat "

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