chapter 3 : naim

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" naim ? apa kau buat kat sini ? " bulan still shocked to see naim infront of her 

" aku .. nak cakap sikit dengan kau " he whisper while looking down and fixing his hair

" apa kau cakap ? " bulan look at naim with confused face

naim chin up and said it again " aku nak cakap dengan kau , dekat satu cafe ni so bersiaplah " 

bulan stunned to see that naim look so different , the last time she saw naim face when she was 7 

the woman was to stunned to speak AHAHAHAHAH

" naim .. dia nampak lain , nampak hensem " bulan whisper to herself

" apa dia ? " naim come closer to bulan to hear what she was saying 

" takde apa apa ! " she push naim out of her room 

" nurin ! buatkan naim air " bulan slamp the door shut

bulan went to shower , she forgot that her arm still have some bloods and then she put soap on it " hiss  sakit " bulan want to screamed so hard but she know naim will heard her so she 

she slowly dry it with her towel , " aku taktau pulak boleh berdarah banyak macam ni " she instantly regret her decisions doing sh 

she then take bandage and trying to hide her arm , " kene pakai lengan panjang lah ? malas gila . panas la " she sigh as she take her shirt and start dressing up . she do her hair and she go to the downstairs 

 bulan's outfit

 bulan's outfit

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naim was looking at y/n , so pured that bulan's cheek started turning red 

" apa ? jangan pandang aku macam tu " bulan start to look opposite way

" nothing .. you look beautiful as always . " naim smiled 

suddenly bulan start to have butterfly in her tummy . " taktak boleh dia tu abang fakhri " bulan whisper again to herself and she slap her face for few times

" eh kenapa tampar muka kau ? ' naim stop bulan from slappinh her own face and naim started to cupping bulan's face to scan if her face is red because of the slap 

" tengok ! kan muka dah merah " naim drag  her to outside of the mansion 

" padahl bukan sebab tampae tapi sebab .. " before bulan could finish her sentence naim put on a helmet for her 

" naik la " naim smiled again 

" gosh i dont know that naim's smile can make people weak " bulan whispering again as she hug the back of naim 

" i heard you bulan " naim said 

bulan gasped and act like nothing happend 

" peluk kuat kuat kalau kau jatuh nanti siapa nak jaga adik aku " naim said to bulan 

bulan come to reality again , she is fakhri's girlfriend not naim then why she started to have butterflies in her tummy when she with naim ? 

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