chapter 5 : truth

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bulan's heart break into pieces , she still love fakhri but why fakhri suddenly change and do this to her ? and now bulan don't even want to see fakhri face but next year she will be school at kudrat , so what can she do ? only have to wait until she graduate .

after graduate , she will make sure she get into a good college that is far away from home . London is her target


" abang , bila kita nak bagitahu bulan pasal perjodohan tu ? "

" kita tak boleh bagitahu sekarang , kalau tak dia tak akan setuju "

" tapi bang , kalau kita bagitahu nanti pun dia tetap tak akan setuju jadi baik paksa dia sekarang je "


bulan's dad scolded



( at kudrat )

" aku patut sakitkan bulan so dia akan benci aku , dia tak akan menangis waktu aku takde nanti "

turn out , naim heard what fakhri was talking about to ayam , naim quickly grabbed fakhri hands and drag him . leaving ayam alone

" apa maksud kau nak sakitkan bulan ? "

" kau break dengan dia dah ke ?! "

naim scold fakhri .

" none of your business " 

   fakhri brushed naim's hand away

fakhri not in the mood to talk about it with naim , he only comfortable to talk about it with ayam . but fakhri plan to tell naim soon but not now . it will mess up his plan

turn out , fakhri have a disease and there is no cure . he only have a few month left to live . he never tell anyone about his disease
except for ayam and his dad  . he don't have the money to do the surgery . even if he do surgery , there only 45% that he will live . so he decide he don't want to do the surgery . he only eat painkillers .

what he always write in that "secret notebook"  is about mostly bulan and the other is  what he felt , and letters , paragraph for someone he love . he will let they read it once he gone . because he don't want to see someone he love cry for him . even though fakhri still love bulan but he don't want to see bulan cry. Fakhri had to break up with bulan .

the truth is , a few years ago , when his parents was still together , fakhri's mom have a meeting with  bulan's parents . fakhri , naim and bulan was there too . Naim and bulan play at bulan's house garden but fakhri quietly want to hear what they was talking about .  "perjodohan"

at that time , fakhri still didn't understand what they were talking about , but now he understand . but fakhri didn't remember the name , but he sure it not him

fakhri always happy when he with bulan , but he don't want to hurt bulan when his time come so he had to do this to bulan .

" I'm sorry bulan , but one day you will understand why I do this " fakhri whisper at bulan ears at the day they broke up . he don't know that bulan don't hear him at all .

" I hope you happy" fakhri smiled

sorry la kalau grammar English cacat , maklum English b je HAHAHAHAH

ending dia ngan siapa agak Ii nya ? ntah ntah.. tatau tatau

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