chapter 6 : kudrat

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one year pass ..

pov bulan

" aku benci betul lah " bulan sigh , she officially 16 now . that mean she have to go to Kudrat and study there , at first she love the idea but after she broke up with fakhri . bulan hated the idea going to Kudrat , but she also love that she will be seeing naim everyday .

pov naim

" naim , there will be a new student in our school "

" so I want you to guide her " the principal said to naim

" sorry sir , what do you mean by her ? "

" it not a guy ? but this is all boys school ? "

naim confuse , it so weird if a girl transferred here .

" yes , if I'm not mistaken her name is bulan "

" her full name ? " naim ask

" bulan binti abdul jakfar "

naim was surprised , bulan didn't tell him about going to kudrat before . what a coincidence.

naim smirk

end of pov naim

finally bulan arrived at Kudrat . bulan was mesmerised by how big this school was . It was bigger than what she think , at first she never felt nervous . Until she heard a deep voice calling her name

" bulan binti abdul jakfar ?  " naim called bulan .

bulan turned around to see the deep voice belong to who , she saw a tall boy . she have to look up because she is so short that she can't saw who is it

" hehhh ni aku laa " naim smiled

bulan recognise that voice and that smile,  it her beloved naim , it been 3 months and half they didn't meet . bulan missed naim so much , until she didn't realize she went to hug him

naim surprised , but he smile and he rub bulan's hair making it messy.

bulan just laugh and hug him tight , they was so close that bulan can hear naim's heartbeat , so freaking fast !

naim heartbeat begin fast and his cheek turned red as tomato , yes he didn't seem like he is flustered but only bulan know how fast his heartbeat is .

" laju gila " bulan laugh sweetly

" her laugh . " naim whisper to himself

naim push bulan softly , smiling

" dah dah jom aku tunjuk kau satu sekolah ni "  naim smile as he took bulan hand

" his smile can make everyone melt " bulan smiled .

they didn't even realize fakhri presence , fakhri was eyeing them all the time . he just smile as tears begin to fell from his eyes .

" naim ? out of people? " fakhri put a fake smile on his face , deep down he still love bulan and couldn't bear seeing bulan happy with someone better than him . but his plan going smoothly . and bulan probably don't want to see his anymore .

naim and bulan was talking about Kudrat and suddenly bulan bump into someone , fakhri .

" fakhri ? " bulan face changed. she want to hug him so bad but they are not together anymore . she missed fakhri too , but not as much as she missed naim . she just miss how sweet he used to be , the memories , the time they had together . bulan shook the tough off

bulan run ,  so fast that naim couldn't saw where she went .

pov naim

" kacau jelah mamat ni , aku baru je nak ada masa dengan bulan dah kacau . bodoh betul la "

" bulan okay ke ? dia still tak move on dari fakhri ke ? "

end of pov naim

fakhri just stand there , seeing bulan run . didn't even hesitated to run after her , he just smirk and walk toward naim

" jaga bulan elok elok bang " fakhri whisper , and just like that he left naim

" jaga ? apa maksud dia  ? " naim confused , there was so much happening

bulan run to her dorm that naim just showed her , she open the door and slamp the door shut.  angry tears start to
run down to her face .

she pulled out cigarettes , open the window and smoking there . hoping no one will smell it

there is so much going on in bulan mind . Naim , fakhri , school . the first day already the worst . except for the hug , bulan smirk

" haih kalau la fakhri tak break dengan aku kan ? " bulan sigh

" kenapa la mesti fakhri muncul lagi dalam hidup aku kan ? " bulan smile and throw the cigarette , not knowing it hit someone head ,

" WOI " 

bulan immediately close the window hoping that it not the teacher .

" woi bukak pintu ni sekarang "

bulan open the door , seeing a very tall boy with curly hair .

" siapa kau ? " bulan asked

he went inside bulan dorm with hakeem , zahrin. 

" dia mai dengan kroni sobak " bulan whisper not knowing kahar heard her

" eh kau boleh diam kejap tak ? aku nak kenalkan diri aku ni " kahar speak in loud voice

" oh okay okay " bulan smiling

" dan aku kahar , kapla high council . " kahar speak .

" oh kahar selamat berkenalan " bulan shake her hand and kahar.  giggling

" kau tahu tak kapla ni siapa ? " hakeem ask

" haihh kapla tu apa pulak dahh ? kepala lutut bahu kaki aku taula " bulan sigh

hakeem was laughing loudly until kahar turn around and look at him with a scary face.  terus hakeem stop gelak

" aku akan suruh ayam bagitahu kau semua bende pasal sekolah Kudrat ni " kahar speak .

" ayam ? kenapa kau nak suruh ayam pulak haiwan mana boleh bercakap " bulan confused

hakeem starting to laugh again , so freaking dumb .

kahar smirk and left the dorm with his minion , such a funny girl .

fakhri again just spying on bulan ,
hearing all the conversation  .

- English broken

hai reader , I'm so sorry dah jarang update . memang busy and tiada idea , kalau english broken pun mintak maaf ye

and kalau nak request silakan !

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