chapter 4 : lost contact

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finally they arrived at the cafe . but bulan's mind still thinking about fakhri.

" bulan ? kau okay tak ? naim bow down to see if bulan is sick or something is wrong 

" eh sorry aku mengelamun tadi " bulan said the naim as she grabbed naim's  hands and sit down 

naim have feeling for bulan since they were 8, but he know bulan is his lil brother girlfriend so he dont want to bother them . 

" so kau nak cakap pasal apa ? macam serious je " bulan break the silence 

" sebernanya parents aku and fakhri dah bercerai sebab tu kau dah lost contact dengan aku and juga fakhri " 

" fakhri lari ke ayah aku , and mereke berdua pindah banyak kali so aku pun taktahu mana dorang pergi sampailah fakhri masuk kudrat " 

" aku tahu kau mesti takdapat call dari fakhri dah kan ? tu sebab phone dia rosak " 

naim explained everything that happend to fakhri at kudrat . bulan just listened and great it just making her more worry about his boyfriend . 

" bulan kau dengar tak ? " naim saw that bulan didnt focus what he was saying , he know she worry about fakhri and he feel sorry also regret cause he tell her what happened to fakhri . deep down he feel jealous about fakhri and bulan relay . 

" ye aku dengar " bulan mood changed . 

and then the silence started again .

after a few minutes , naim break the silence 

" jom aku hantarkau balik " naim smile to bulan as he grab bulan's hand and run to his motorcycle 

bulan feel flustered , how naim treat her totally got her cheek all red . bulan like naim's smile so much that she want to see that sweet smile everyday if she can . but she cant . bulan slowly falling for naim without she realizing it .

6:30 pm

they arrived at bulan's house again , bulan want to hug naim goodbye but she knows she can't

" bye naim , thankyou for today " bulan smiled

suddenly naim hug her " anytime for you " but bulan was too shock to even hug him back

naim smiled and ride his motorcycle back



bulan stand there watching naim go

finally bulan come back to the reality and she went inside her house . she couldn't help but thinking about naim . she want to shake the mind off but she keep thinking about the hug , naim's smile and how naim worry about her face . she was smiling thru her phone seeing naim pictures on Instagram. suddenly she got a call from a random number , she decide to pick it up

" Hello ? siapa ni ? " bulan asked

" fakhri . "

but bulan hang up the call . she feel like she don't want to believe it was fakhri who was calling her . suddenly there was a knock on bulan's door

" bulan ni aku naim "

"naim .. what are you doing here ? " bulan open the door

" kau tertinggal wallet kau kat dalam bakul motor aku " naim give her the wallet

bulan didn't even realize that she forgot her wallet , she was busy thinking about naim and suddenly naim was right there Infront of her . she open the wallet and saw fakhri , naim and her in that photos when they were little .bulan smiled .

" thankyou , this is important " bulan thank naim for giving her the wallet back

" most welcome bulan " naim smiled again .

bulan cheek was red as tomato , she slamp the door right in naim's face , she was nervous and holding her breath . " sorry naim ! "

bulan was in the cloud nine , she love seeing naim smile at her , the smile is so precious to her . now bulan head was spinning like crazy , she liked naim but she also like fakhri .

suddenly the phone ring , it was the same random number so bulan pick it up , this time she won't hang up again .

" ni saya la fakhri , esok jumpa saya dekat taman ____ boleh ? " fakhri said in the phone call

" sure , pukul 4:30pm tau " bulan replied

then fakhri hang up the call . now bulan mind was thinking about fakhri . how would fakhri feel if he know how bulan feel about naim ? fakhri and bulan will have to break up. bulan don't want that . she love fakhri but at the same time she love naim too . bulan decide to shower and not thinking about it anymore .

after she shower , she decide to sleep and not study , she is too tired to even study or eat .

9:30 am

Dan aku kahar

Dan aku kahar

Dan aku kahar

her phone alarm went off again , it time for her to wake up and cheer herself up . she went to shower and brush her hair .

she went to the downstairs and find her parents waiting for her . she forgot about her parents .

" papa dan mama akan masukkan kamu dalam sekolah kudrat tahun depan bila kamu form 4 " bulan 's mom said

bulan want to decline , but she knows that is naim and fakhri school , so she happily agree to her mom decision .

for the first time , they were spending time and laughing together , eating together and going out . but then bulan's  father got a phone call that he and bulan's mom have to go to Singapore for a important meeting .

bulan's mood changed , she decide to go out and meet fakhri . everytime she have problems , fakhri is her home . it 4:00pm
30 more minutes she have to wait for fakhri .

fakhri finally came , and bulan cry at fakhri shoulder . fakhri shocked .because bulan never cried before , but fakhri still didn't said what he was suppose to

" bulan .. I think we need to break up "

and just like that fakhri hug bulan a goodbye and go away . without an explanation . bulan cry and cried for the whole day . until she feel like a stupid person

" I hate you but at the same time I like you fakhri " bulan whisper to herself again and she wipe the tears and went to the cafe she went yesterday with naim

suddenly she almost fall , but someone hold her  , it was ..

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