Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    Fu Erdie called the dog back and told him not to hit the zombies, and wait until the zombies came to the 16th floor.

    As for the mutated plants in other rooms of Building No. 7, Fu Erdie felt that they had grown for so long and had been watered with 16-1 water for several months, so they would not be trampled to death by zombies.

    Zombies don't eat plants, so what the heck.

    The little old lady was very distressed and wanted to take the plant back.

    But these mutated plants did grow very well and were very large, as Fuerdie said. 16-1 The water that followed seemed to have magical powers and "fatted" them all.

    No matter how good the little old lady's physical and mental strength is now, she can't hold a plant as big and heavy as a rockery.

    So, the little old lady had no choice but to give up.

    There are a lot of fruits on the balcony at home, which is enough for two people and one dog to continue eating.

    Inexplicably, everyone began to lie flat.

    The small house has two bedrooms and one living room. Fu Erdie sleeps in the master bedroom, and the little old lady sleeps in the second bedroom.

    Every day, the little old lady will use the previous stock to cook millet porridge for Fu Erdie, saying that taking care of her life is her "rent" for living here.

    Fu Erdie didn't care too much, don't work if it makes her tired, and eat fruit by herself to get by. There is millet porridge, which can also be eaten.

    Days passed by, unbelievably peaceful and stable.

    Fu Erdie reckoned that those zombies should have found the 16th floor on September 20th, knocked on their door, and let her run away.

    As a result, there was no response until the end of September.

    Fu Erdie: ...

    Fu Erdie thinks something is wrong.

    She picked up the hammer lazily and walked downstairs slowly.

    No one on the 15th floor.

    No one on the 14th floor.

    13th floor...

    I went all the way to the third floor, but I didn't see any zombies.


    Until he came to the second floor, Fu Erdie finally understood what was going on.

    The succulent she put in the room chosen by the little granny on the second floor has moved to an empty room next door without a door at some point.

    And the short and succulent, like a lotus throne, stands in the center of the room now, and the roots around it squirm, like a thick boa constrictor, binding the zombies, entangled and rolling, until the head is accidentally twisted off, or directly Headshot, you can make zombies into food "agate", and start to enjoy it slowly.

    Fu Erdie: ...

    Is this playing Plants vs. Zombies in her No. 7 building! Live version!

    In the past, when Paydie was anxious, he liked to play Plants vs. Zombies. Whether it's defeating zombies or getting your brains eaten, it's very stress-free.

    Now, after half a month of silence, my heart is still a little ready to move.

    She observed on the second floor, and suddenly found that there were not only fleshy roots, but also many other roots of different lengths, thicknesses, and colors. She did not know which floor they came from.

Zombies are coming, I lie flat at homeWhere stories live. Discover now