Chapter 104

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Chapter 104

    The fellow healing system user realized something and hurried forward to treat him.

    But simple healing has limited effect on supernatural riots. Even the energy space of the healing system is chaotic, let alone healing others.

    All efforts are just psychological comfort, which is better than nothing.

    The person with the ability to heal was obviously aware of this, and his face turned pale.

    The technicians who came to communicate, in addition to those from Beijing City and City D, all of them gathered together to discuss technology together, and at this time, there were some things that hurt their kind.

    On the contrary, the people who came out of the Butterfly Garden to pick up people were a little confused. They didn't know the situation for a while, so they asked the acquaintances in D City to find out: "Ah? Yes, there is such a thing as a riot with supernatural powers." In one sentence, it caused a

    car people's attention.

    The supernatural person in Beijing: "You don't have this kind of disease?"

    The supernatural person in Butterfly Garden: "It used to be, but I have been in Butterfly Garden for a year, and there has been no problem of supernatural riots for a long time." The desperate

    Beijing technical team In an instant, he was refreshed.

    The car heading for Senyu Community was faster.

    When they arrived at the destination, Cao Bingqing and his wife asked people to open the door to welcome the guests. After knowing the situation, they registered urgently and asked them to go to the warm guest room to lie down first.

    The white light of the house flickered, healing every wound of the unconscious supernatural being.

    Ten minutes later, the breath of the supernatural person gradually stabilized, and he slowly opened his eyes.

    Fu Erdie was also greatly relieved to hear the news through the telegraph.

    Fortunately, when the accident happened, that friend was not far from the Butterfly Garden, otherwise it would be too late, and something would happen.

    The calming effect of the house on the supernatural space is relatively limited, unlike the treatment of trauma, which can be cured in a few minutes. It just so happens that the supernatural beings in Beijing have to communicate a lot here, and the house can help them stabilize and improve every day, and the most serious supernatural being can fully recover during the Spring Festival.

    This speed is actually much faster than Fu Erdie's ability to push and pull. But there's no need for Fu Erdie to rush back now, and she won't be able to use her push and pull ability smoothly after she goes back. After all, except for her close friends, it is impossible for others to trust her so much.

    The Spring Festival of the fourth year of the last days has come as promised.

    Fu Erdie didn't go home, but had a lively and meaty reunion dinner with Building No. 7 in the snowy day of Anshi.

    The meat is fresh chicken and fish from the Butterfly Garden. It is said that the Butterfly Garden can maintain a temperature of about 10 degrees indoors under the power supply of the reorganized generator. The mutated but edible chickens, ducks and sheep are also under special care. The births thrived, and some even hatched lots of new chicks and ducklings.

    A few active plant cubs brought the food over, and stayed in Building No. 7 by the way.

    Fu Erdie was very happy. He touched the mutant tomatoes of unknown generations and pushed and pulled them several times to relieve fatigue.

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