Twenty One

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"Jesus Christ, Lizzie!" My parents and friends were stood around me in a circle chanting words of, should I say, "encouragement" at my face in unison. You wouldn't believe the amount of spit that was being showered on me.

Oh, in case you're wondering why it's my friends and my parents, it's because I decided to finally invite Reen and Aims over my house to sleep. And so far, I was regretting the idea of them ever coming back; they were agreeing with everything my parents were saying. Like, literally everything. It sucks. You'd think that good friends would know how to stand up for a girl?

I tapped my foot nonchalantly on the laminate floor. Looking like you don't care always wins - and earns you more shouting. But right now, it wasn't the shouting I was thinking about. It was getting away from this horrible interrogation.

Their questions speared through me with the intentions as if a dartboard were about to receive a bullseyed shot coming from ten yards away with unspeakable force. Then, when they questioned, they gauged for my reaction. The bullseye. The board wept in pain and such forceful accuracy. I cried. It cried.

I stormed out of my room in hope that no one would ever find me. 

Looking forward to anything was useless. I mean.. God! Life is shit, isn't it? A scream jolts me back into life.

"HELP! HELP! HELP!!" As fast as my feet can carry me, I run to where the scream is coming from. This door, no. That door, no. The door across the hall? No. "HELP!" I want to shout, "Keep screaming!" but that's just horrible for anyone. "PLEASE" a heavy interlude of sobs followed, "HELP!!! HELP!!! PLEASE!! LIZZIE!!!!!" I tripped over my own shoe lace but the screaming was in ear's reach. I'm here.

"Oh my God." In pure shock and anguish, my hand flew to my mouth with salty, wet tears brimming my eyes.

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