Twenty Eight

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The principal sat at her desk, sighing melodramatically. Leon was in her office, and there were multiple things she wanted to discuss with him. School being one, his self discipline being another, his behaviour and Elizabeth also. She really wanted to crack both of their cases. She had written that letter to Elizabeth purposely; she wanted to know what was going on in her life. She wanted to break teacher rules subtly so she could get revenge on the dear girl. So she could hurt the mother.

It hasn't been previously mentioned, but Mrs Bridges and Elizabeth's mother had very much uncommon, until she had Elizabeth. Laura wanted children too; but she was barren and without a husband or enough money to get artifical insemination. Fate had dealt her a bad hand, but for years behind everyone's backs, she set to work bringing Elizabeth down. Now that there was this "relationship" going on with Leon and her, she was sure to crack that dear girl! She'd come crying and, well, that's when she knew the plan was a success. She was going to make Elizabeth wish she was never born.

Leon wasn't sent away by his parents. He was sent away by Laura Bridges. Somehow, she managed to manipulate him. Lizzy hadn't seen the weak (or manipulated) side of him.

The door abruptly opened. "Miss?" A smug expression covered his face while managing to keep his forehead from wrinkling. He made her laugh.

"Yes, I've been expecting you." She directed him to a seat where first they talked about his behaviour at school, and then how he was to properly conduct himself in exams and lessons etcetera and then.... "So Elizabeth. How long have you known her?" Leon uncomfortably shuffled in his seat. He continued to chew a piece of gum. "I said, how long?!" He jumped.

"Oh, about a month or two or three? I.. love her...." He sighed.


"I said.. Aw nothin'." His hands were slightly clammy and shaking. He hoped his mother would come soon to pick him up.

As if his mind demanded of it, his eyes shifted to the clock. Four thirty. Ugh, great. God knows how long this old goat'll blab on for.

"I want to know because she's part of my pla-- uh, engagement with the school." Nervous that he'd caught on to something, she dryly laughed. "She's doing so well and she deserves a day out of school so." She looked out at the birds resting on a branch outside her office window. Ah, how cute. Not.

Suddenly, like that moment with Leon was crying to be abandoned, the phone rang. Frustratedly  fumbling, Mrs Bridges answered it on the third (and a half) ring. "Ye- Hello?" Laura Marie Bridges' jaw dropped. "Leon, I request for you to leave."


"I request.." Heavily, she heaved out each syllable. "Leave. Now."

"Uh, okay!!" And in a split second he was gone. That was a shorter time than it took him to realise that he was in love with Elizabeth.

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