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"Oh, my God." I said. I couldn't help but let out a gasp. My French manicured hand flew to my gaping mouth. She had photos of Zac Efron on her desk; with cutouts of him (in teeth marks) standing next to her, kissing her or doing God knows what.. I'm starting to think she's kind of a pyscho. I mean, really, she walks around wearing fishnet tights, with a matching hairdo (I don't know how the hell  she does that), and eight-bloody-inched stiletto heels! Yet she complains when I do something, I don't know, out of the ordinary. Would that be an okay way to phrase it? Well that's the way I'm putting it.

Right now, I'm watching her furrowed brow do some kind of dance; it's hilarious! It's like, jigging every millisecond and then her other eyebrow waves in response - it's bizarre, but it's a way to block out the idea of an actual "punishment". I mean, she never actually does anything, really. It's just a metaphor with her. Punishment, okay. Piss her off, bad. Goody-goody girl, good! Being myself, totes shitballs. And I'm not even exaggerating. Would you care to step into my shoes? I'm exaggerating about nothing, I know, but just think for a minute, if you've ever been in the principals office or in a shitload of trouble, who's there for you? (Apart from your conscience.) The one thing I'm gonna love though, is explaining the shenanigans. What do I say? Do I tell her....

"Oh, yes. We'll be right up." She smirked and turned to me. My parents were coming to the school. Yipee!! Could I care less, NO. Do I want them to care, NO. Do I want him to get in trouble, no. Did I want  to run away? Yes. Do I feel like I've seen that guy somewhere before, yes I do. Do I want to know him? Yes. I don't even know his name. How will I find him?

Lizzy, life isn't about love stories or finding some "boy". Go live your life and forget him and get into trouble. Like you always do.

So, my parents were pretty pissed. They sent me up to my room for like, eternity. But I didn't care, I'm always up there anyway! At least I'll have school. God, that's depressing.

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