Chapter 5

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"Right Mr- Miss Potter, would you like the Weasley twins to stay while we discuss these important matters," McGonagall asked.

After sitting down on a chair (which felt strange since I didn't have a dick) I responded calmly "They can stay, I trust them with my life plus the story involves them too in a way,"

"Aww thanks Harriet," the twins stated.

"Very well Harry, you may begin." McGonagall smiled.

I took a deep breath and began, "this story starts off probably about 20 years ago, when my father - James Potter, Godfather - Sirius Black,"


I ignored him and continued, "Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were at school together. As you know Remus Lupin is a werewolf so the other 3 decided to help the best way they could - by becoming animagi,"

McGonagall gasped "so that's what they were doing, all those times I saw them with fur or a tail- continue Harry"

I smiled but obliged "Since he was a werewolf, Remus was nicknamed Moony."

The twins gaped

"Peter Pettigrew became a garden rat so he was christened Wormtail. Padfoot is Sirius since he became a black dog and as for my father I'll show you. Expecto patronum." I whispered the last part, thinking of living with Sirius and Prongs bounded out of the tip of my wand.

"This is my father, Prongs. When the time came for my parents to go into hiding at first as everyone knows, Sirius was the secret keeper however he was a decoy. My parents switched and made Peter Pettigrew the secret keeper. When Sirius was captured on the charge of killing Peter Pettigrew, he didn't receive a trial so the truth couldn't come out. My innocent Godfather was rotting away in prison while Peter Pettigrew was hiding in plain site. He had hidden himself in a wizarding family as a pet rat for 12 years. Funny how a rat could live so long."

It was at this point, George clocked where I was going with this."Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew?"

I nodded.and looked over at professor McGonagall. She had her head in her hands.

"Professor are you ok?" Hermione and I asked at the same time.

"Harry, I swear to you that I will help you free Sirius. It all makes so much more sense. Sirius would have never betrayed James. Peter on the other hand..." She stated fiercely, her eyes dangerous yet suspiciously red.

"He offered me a chance at living with him and that was taken from me. Instead I had to go back to the Dursleys. I had to go back to hell, although it was funny how when I conveniently didn't mention that he was innocent and just told them that he was a mass murder they left me alone for once," I reminisced.

"Miss Potter how bad are the Dursleys?" Professor McGonagall asked cautiously.

My throat felt like it was closing up so the twins and Hermione saved me.

"Professor, Harry's Hogwarts letter was addressed to 'the cupboard under the stairs' and that was before the school had to send hundreds," Hermione stated.

"We had to pull bars off his window," George started.

"And they had locked his school stuff in said cupboard so he couldn't do his homework," Fred finished.

McGonagall looked at me with an angry glare "Harry I will murder them, Dumbledore and anyone else who tries to object to you living with Sirius after I get him released."

I blinked back tears and hastily got up and threw my arms around my Professor. She stared down at me fondly and patted my back. Even though my back was too them, I could tell that Fred and George were snickering.

I pulled away from the embrace then asked "now on the topic of my new arrangements, where will I sleep because of the change in circumstances?"

"I will allow you to sleep in the Head Girl's suite since it is free - you will have access to 7th year books, your own ensuite and privacy from everyone as you will have to set a password for you to be able to enter it."

I grinned, this would be brilliant. However McGonagall wasn't done "on the condition that you bring your grades up as I know you have the potential to get O's in a lot of subjects."

I nodded eagerly then stood up.

"Thank you so much professor, could you show me to my new dorm?" I asked.

Professor McGonagall nodded then lede to my new sleeping quarters. Hermione and the twins got up and followed.

When we reached the door that was just next to the portrait hole my professor said "Miss Potter all you need to do is walk up to it and say your password, have a good night."

She turned on her heel and briskly walked away. I walked over to the door and whispered "Mischief Managed."

The door swung open with a click. I turned and faced my 3 friends and stated "thanks so much guys, you will always be welcome in here with me. Good night."

"You're welcome Harry, good night." They all responded as I walked through the door.

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