Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

I walked into my room blushing heavily. Sirius and Remus were lying on my bed hand in hand.

"Hey prongslet who's got you all flushed?" Sirius asked teasingly.

"How was the interview Harry?" Remus asked.

"I had to give a private interview with Rita Skeeta," I responded.

"Were you alone with her or did you have an adult with you?" Sirius asked.

"Oh goodness no, Cedric was with me." I felt my cheeks warm up again.

Remus and Sirius began to laugh at me. I glared at them then continued to speak, "after the interview I had to have my photo taken which took some time, then they proceeded with the weighing of the wand ceremony."

"What's that?" Asked Sirius.

"Well Ollivander inspects your wand to see if it is in good condition." I responded.

Sirius was snickering at what I said.

"Sirius you will be pleased to know that I made numerous inappropriate jokes causing my fellow champions to be unable to take the ceremony seriously." I told him.

"That's my girl." He exclaimed.

"So Harry where have you been since the ceremony ended?" Remus asked curiously, a small smirk present on his face.

"Ooooo oooo Prongslet had a date, prongslet had a date." Sirius teased.

"It's a shame you're teasing me as I was going to tell you what happened, well it looks like only Remus gets to find out." I smirked.

"No no no I'm sorry please tell meeee." Sirius begged.

"So we went to the kitchens and were given a basket of food where I saw an old house elf buddy, we ate the food while asking each other questions to get to know each other, we then did some homework in the library and then I taught him the patronus charm. At first only silver stuff came out of his wand -"

I was interrupted by Sirius was snickering loudly.

"Remus wack Sirius around the head for me, anyway on his third try his patronus formed into a lion. He escorted me back here, asked me to Hogsmeade with him then I kissed him on the cheek."

I finished blushing.

"Wow sounds like quite the date," Remus smiled.

"Wait there is a tiny bit more. When I had to do an interview with Rita Skeeta she took us into a broom closet-" I said giggling.

"What did you do in the broom closet?" Sirius intervened.

"I said 'This was not what I'd thought my first time in a broom closet would be like'."

Remus and Sirius laughed.

"Then Cedric bent his head close to my ear and whispered 'what did you think it would be like, maybe I could help bring your dream to life'?" I finished blushing.

"Does this mean we need to have a talk?" Sirius asked sternly.

"What about..." I cautiously asked.

Sirius muttered something and a banana and fell onto the bed. Remus, caching on to what Sirius was going to do, began to die with laughter.

"When a guy really likes a girl, they may decide to be more intimate. He may even try to get his banana into a girl's donut." Sirius started.

I turned red with embarrassment.

"Now if the right protection isn't used, you may end up with a child. Which you do not want until you are out of school." Sirius continued, oblivious to my embarrassment.

I cast a patronus then whispered "go to Hermione, tell her I'm being killed,"

Prongs galloped off then I turned back to Sirius, preying that it would be over.

"Now it is important that before you begin," Sirius moved the banana back and forth inside the doughnut, "You must remember that consent is key."

Hermione burst into the room and exclaimed "Harry what's going on?" She shut the door then walked over to me.

I pointed at Sirius, then at the doughnut and banana.

"Sirius are you..." Hermione trailed off.

"Yes Miss Granger, I am. So Harry back to what I was saying, consent is key, each time you go to do something ask your partner if it is ok. Now on your first time, it may be awkward however-" I cut Sirius of my casting stunning spell in him.

My face was burning up with embarrassment. Remus was laughing so hard, he was close to falling off the bed and even Hermione was close to tears.

"Help me, I've been scared, I can never eat bananas or doughnuts again." I whispered.

"Perhaps you need something to take your mind of it," Hermione stated.

"Yeah...Remus can you do some Triwizard training with me?" I asked.

"Sure Harry," Remus responded, tears of laughter still in his eyes.

We stood up and Hermione stated, "the first task of the Triwizard tournament usually involves a five X magical creature."

"So I'm perfect to train you," Remus muttered.

I sent a mild stinging hex his way causing him to yelp.

"Harry what was that for, I was only stating the truth since I'm a monster."

I sent another stinging hex his way and glared at him.

"Every time you call yourself a monster or some other horrible name or just hate yourself, you are getting a stinging hex. Remus you need to realise that tou are an amazing person, you are beautiful inside and out and you are certainly not a monster." I announced.

Remus looked at me in shock before switching into teacher mode, "right the first spell that will come in handy will be the shield charm, you need to jab your wand forward and say protego,"

"Harry, I'm going to make a list of the likely creatures you will need to prepare for." Hermione said as she walked to the door.

"Ok thanks so much Mione," I responded.

I turned back to Remus and attempted the charm. I jabbed my wand forward and said "protego."

A giant dome formed around me, glittering a silvery gold. I may have not cast the spell before but I was certain that was not supposed to happen.

"Erm Uncle Remus, what's going on?" I asked.

"Well, it looks as though you have just cast the most powerful and advanced version of the shield charm that is beyond NEWT level." Remus responded.

"Oh," I said faintly.

I began to feel dizzy and I felt like I was going to fall. I wobbled before keeling over backwards. I had fainted.

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