Chapter 45

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Harry's POV

There was a knock at the door. Cedric made to move in case it was a teacher however I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Come in." I called.

There was a mumbling of someone giving the password and the door swung open. Neville tripped over as he walked in, luckily Remus was there to catch him.

"Careful Neville." He laughed.

Neville blushed "sorry Remus."

Remus brushed it off, "don't worry, I got used to it, did you know your mum was one of the clumsiest people ever?"

"She was?" Neville asked.

Remus grinned "oh yes, Lily and I had to stop her from falling down the stairs at least once a day."

I smiled softly at the mention of my mum. Cedric held me close and murmured "they'd be dead proud of you if they were here today."

I kissed his cheek then asked, "did you need anything Neville?"

"I came to ask if you managed to figure out the egg clue."

Nodding, I responded "yes it's something underwater."

I ignored the tremble of nerves that built up in my stomach. Now that I knew the clue, I would have plenty of time to try and figure out what the hell I was going to do.

"I'm going to try the bubble head charm." Cedric stated.

"Could you teach me?" I asked.

Remus cut in "It's a rather difficult spell, not that I am saying you wouldn't be able to do it, it's just I'd rather you not try and practice it since it could cause you to suffocate."


After a moment longer of silence Neville piped up, "well you could always try gillyweed."

My eyes widened. Of course, that would be perfect. I had read about it while doing some herbology research. My brother had the biggest brain ever (other than me).

"Nev, you're a genius!" I exclaimed, scrambling out of Cedric's arms (much to his annoyance) so that I could give Neville a hug.

Remus smiled at Cedric fondly "you unhappy about her moving?"

Cedric nodded "very."

After hugging Neville, I sat back down onto the bed and found myself pulled back into Cedric's arms. I laughed, kissed his cheek, then rested my head on his shoulder once more.

"You really highlight how single I am." Neville stated.

"Then don't be single anymore." I deadpanned causing Remus and Cedric to laugh.

Neville rolled his eyes "Harry I'm not you, I can't get girls by simply existing."

"No but I happen to know that the certain young lady you happen to like, likes you back." I smirked.

Neville's jaw dropped.

It took him 10 minutes to regain the ability to form coherent words. I grinned at him as he continued to do a rather good impersonation of a goldfish.

"How the fuck..." he whispered.

"Well you would always glance over to her, she would glance over at you, look away then blush. It wasn't hard."

"Who is it?" Cedric asked curiosity.

Neville looked like he wanted the floor to swallow him whole. His face had turned the same shade as the tapestry in the Gryffindor common room.

"Susan." He whispered.

"Susan Bones?"

Neville nodded.

"Oh yeah she definitely likes you mate." Cedric stated.

"She does?" Neville gasped.

"Yep, she talks about you to Hannah a lot. About how cute she thinks you are, how good at biology you are, how nice you are, the list goes on and on." Cedric smiled.

Remus muttered to himself "just like Frank."

"Go ask her to the ball Neville." I suggested.

He blushed a deep shade of scarlet then whispered "how?"

Remus shrugged, "I'm gay as fuck so I'm no use when it come to girls."

I snorted "no, you just don't understand feelings."


Cedric looked at Neville pitifully, "here's an idea, go up to her and ask her if she wanted to go to the ball with you. Bring her a flower."

Neville nodded, "what flower?"

"Do you know what her favourite flower is?"

Without looking up from the pattern I was casually tracing on Cedric's thigh I stated "she likes cream tulips the most."

"How do you know so much?" Neville asked curiously.

"I notice things." I smiled.

Cedric brushed my hair out of my face then gently kissed my cheek. Remus smiled softly at us "you should be glad Siri isn't here, he'd be a right pain in the arse about you two."

"When is he not." I laughed.

Neville shuffled in his feet awkwardly before announcing "I'm going to go and talk to Susan."

After a chorus of good luck, I went to go and hug him however Cedric stopped me from moving "stay, I like hugging you."

I rolled my eyes "you're such a sap."

"You love it."

Chuckling fondly, Neville waved goodbye then rushed out the room.

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