Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

"Sorry to ruin this sweet moment, but Harry needs to get to the interview," McGonagall announced.

"Those fuckers can wait," I mumbled.

"Harry, Cedric will be at the interview." Hermione commented slyly. Damnit that girl was god.

I felt myself turning slightly red as I responded, trying to sound nonchalant "oh yes, um I had better go then. Do I look ok?"
With that I got up, grabbed my bag and walked out leaving a snickering Sirius and a smiling Remus.

I walked out of the room, closing the door carefully behind me. I then realised that I didn't know where I was going so I turned back, gave the password to the door and stuck my head into the room.

"Professor where do I have to go?" I asked, fighting to keep myself from blushing.

"I'll show you Miss Potter," McGonagall responded.

I stept back from the door and let my professor pass by me. She led me down two flights of stairs and along a corridor until we reached and unused history classroom.

"Good luck Potter," she whispered before turning on her heel and walking away.

I quickly fixed my tie then walked into the classroom.

Cedric looked up from where he had been sat in deep thought and a broad grin spread accross his face. I looked into his glittering brown eyes and happily smiled. Krum was talking to Fleur - evidently oblivious to the flirty looks she had been sending him.

"Excuse me Miss but this is for Triwizard champions," Ludo Bagman called from the other sid of the room.

"Oh I'm a champion. Don't you remember, I was entered under the Salem Witches Institute so I must be a girl." As I spoke, I brushed aside a piece of my hair so my scar was visible.

"M-Mister Potter what happened to you?" Bagman splutterd.

"Well since I was entered under the Salem Witches Institute and since the SWA is an all witches school I must be a witch. It's rather sad you know, 'Ministry of magic forces the boy who lived into sex change'." I sighed then looked into the eyes of Rita Skeeta.

She looked as though she was in heaven. She grinned at me maliciously. Krum appeared to me smiling, Fleur appeared to be trying to hold in a laugh and Cedric was staring at me - an unexplainable look in his eyes.

"Eet suits you mademoiselle Potter, you make a very attractive witch." Fleur told me, her French accent thick when she spoke certain words.

"Miss Potter, may I have a word with you?" Asked Skeeta.

"Ummm is it ok if I have an adult present?" I asked.

"Well I suppose so..." She grumbled.

"Great, Cedric will you chaperone me to this interview?" I asked, a small smirk on my lips, my eyes bright.

Cedric looked at me with glee then retorted "it would be my pleasure mademoiselle."

I grinned then followed Skeeta into a broom closet.

"This was not what I'd thought my first time in a broom closet would be like." I whispered into Cedric's ear as we sat down.

Cedric bent his head close to my ear and whispered "What did you think it would be like, maybe I could help bring your dream to life?"

I turned bright red and looked over to see a smirk on Cedric's face.

"So Harry, how do you feel about this whole situation?" Skeeta asked in her sickly sweet voice.

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