Chapter 36

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Harry's POV

I walked down into the great hall just as the post arrived. Smirking widely I sat down with Fred, George and Hermione.

"You're smirking, this is gonna go bad." Hermione groaned.

Fred and George smirked "Harrykins, is there something you need to tell us?"

I smiled mysteriously "Let's just say the Daily prophet will be very interesting."

Hermione put her head in her hands "Dear Lord what did you do?"

Owls began swarming in, I looked up grinning then turned to Hermione who was scanning the front page. Her draw dropped.

"No fucking way. You didn't. Oh my fucking God. You clever clever bitch." She gasped.

I laughed loudly.

"What did he do?" Fred asked.

She shoved the Daily Prophet into his hands and he read the first line in the article "Lord Sirius Black falsely accused of the crimes that lead to his 12 year incarceration, Harry Potter suing over lack of trial."

"No way." George gasped.

"You're suing the ministry?" Hermione exclaimed.

I grinned "yeah I might as well, thought it would be fun, besides they deserve it."

"You're suing them...for fun." Hermione responded slowly.

The Weasley twins laughed loudly and thumped me in the back "nice one Harry."

"They do deserve it."

Hermione sighed, exasperated but highly amused "if you want to do something for fun, take the piss out of Padfoot and Moony."

I grinned at Fred and George's intrigued expressions "I can do that any day though. I want to do something that says 'Wow, that girl's a bad bitch who doesn't give a shit'."

"You're doing it for a reputation???" Hermione laughed.

"It's always about the reputation darling."

Fred and George laughed loudly. A figure behind me chuckled. I turned and saw Professor Flitwick.

"Oh hello Professor Flitwick." I smiled warmly.

The small professor looked at me with a strange look in his eye then, quite unexpectedly, he have me a short hug.

"Well done Mr Potter, your parents would be proud." He announced as he pulled away.

I beamed with pride "You knew them?"

Flitwick nodded "oh yes, your mother was one of my favourites, she was excellent at charms. Your father was quite brilliant however a lot of the time he focused his charms work to be used on his pranks."

Laughing, I asked "Tell me about the pranks he did."

Flitwick smirked slightly "oh I don't know, I don't want you getting any ideas."

I smirked back "I'd have thought you'd know by now that I do...bigger and better things. Besides I need to beat my dad, Siri and Remy's record for the best prank ever."

"I think you have already done that, Miss Potter." Flitwick laughed, he looked down before carefully asking "Mr Black and Mr Lupin are together, aren't they?"

I nodded which made Flitwick burst out laughing. Fred and George were staring, very confused but desperate to know more.

"I believe Dumbledore owes me some sweet money." He grinned before strutting off.

It was rather amusing watching him strutt off towards the teachers table given. I watched him go and as I glanced up, I caught Dumbledore's eyes. He picked up his goblet and raised it in a toast before taking a sip. I smirked back at him then looked around the hall. I had not noticed how much carnage was going on until now - I certainly seem to absorb myself in my own little world. Everyone was shouting and no one could quite believe that it was true.

"He's innocent, he's actually innocent?"

"Then why did he come into the school?"

"So he didn't kill those muggles?"

"It can't be true, he killed all those people."

"He's a black, he can't be trusted."

I was fed up listening to their bullshit so I stood up in the table and shouted "alright listen up motherfuckers."

The hall fell silent. Snape looked as though he wanted to shout at however McGonagall whispered something in his ear harshly allowing me to continue talking.

"My godfather is an innocent man who spent 12 years of his life imprisoned for the death of his best friends. He did not kill those muggles and while he did come into the school that was to hunt down the real person who got my parents killed. An animagus, by the name of Peter Pettigrew. He is not dead, I've spoken to him. And if I hear you talking shit about my godfather you will regret it." I shouted.

"But he's a murderer." A voice called.

My eyes scanned the hall for the culprit. Ernie McMillan. I glared at him, then smirked to myself at the sight of him cowering under my gaze.

"If Lord Sirius Black was a murderer I would wouldn't be suing the ministry over him not getting a trial and being left in a high security cell guarded by the world creatures in the world." I glared.

"Pah dementors are easy to cope with." A Slytherin spat, "only sissy boys like you Potter faint."

I drew myself up to my full (and not very tall height) then responded deliberately "I'm sorry, but when you go near a dementor, do you have the pleasure of hearing your mother's dying moments as she pleads for Voldemort to kill her instead of her son. Do you hear the words of the unforgivable curse as your mother says her final words? No? Well I do so shut the fuck up about the fact that I fainted. My godfather had to live with those monsters for 12 years, that takes an incredible amount of strength. All of you wankers who decide to mess with me, or be a dick towards my godfather will pay. That's not a threat, it's a promise."

I jumped off the table then strutted out of the hall, head held high. As I walked I vaguely heard the sound of applause but I didn't care, I just kept walking.

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