Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

"L-L-LILY?" Snape repeated in a raspy voice "How is this possible?"

Changing my voice to sound airy and mysterious I responded, "yes it's been a long time hasn't it Severus. Let me tell you this, I am appalled at your behaviour."

"B-b-but you-you were d-dead. I felt you, you-you were ice c-cold." Snape stammered.

"Well things aren't always what they seem" I smiled sweetly as I waved my finger around to cast a non verbal spell - my hair began to billow dispute there being no breeze. I'm pretty sure Snape uses it on his cloak, I learnt it from a book the Weasley twins got me for my birthday.

"You of all people should understand that. I cannot allow you to continue to treat MY son like filth when he has done NOTHING to you," I glared, enjoying this confrontation a lot.

"But James," Snape whispered.

"James what. My son spent less time with his father than you did and it would do you good to remember that. Treating my son with such obvious hate and favouritism because he looks like this DEAD father you disgust me. You are miserable, petty man" I spat.

Snape cowered away from me, breathing deeply. Eventually he plucked up the courage to stare into my emerald eyes. I glowered at him sneering. After a moment I moved aside the strands of hair that covered my scar.

"H-H-Harry?" He whispered.

"Right in one, hurry up Professor I have a potions class that I would like to pass." I smirked with a mean glint in my eye.

I walked into the potions lab and positioned myself right in front of Snape's desk. I got out my equipment and began to neatly organise them on my desk. The rest of the class filed in and Hermione bounded over to me, "Harry that was amazing however you might have been a little bit harsh."

"Nope he deserved it. Hermione, do you mind if I work on my own, just so I can prove to Snape that I can brew potions?" I asked.

"Of course Harry, I respect that and I think it's wonderful that you are trying hard in your classes," she responded smiling.

Snape walked in shakily and sat at his desk. He waved his wand and the instructions for the wit-sharpening potion appeared on the board.

"Begin," he stated coldly, his voice quivering very slightly.

He looked up and caught my eye. His pupils dilated when he saw me sat right in front of his desk. I smirked at him before beginning to work on my potion.

I lit the fire underneath my cauldron and poured in 500ml of water. It hissed slightly then began to gently simmer. 

I adjusted the heat slightly then grabbed my mortar and pestle and dried scarab beetles. I began to crush them until they became a fine greyish-blue powder.

I added them to the potion then stirred it 5 times clockwise. I let it boil then moved on to my ginger.

I measured out 5 grams of ginger roots before cutting them up very finely. I added them to my potion then let it simmer.

I sat down at the free chair at my desk and began to carefully write down the method so I knew exactly what to do in case of an emergency.

I picked up my potions book and noticed something - in the corner of the book, someone had scrawled something. It read: 'adding 10 drops of armadillo bile will strengthen the effects of the potion.'
I didn't recognize the handwriting, it was very small, cramped and slanted.

After thinking it through, I realised that the mystery writer was correct. Armadillo bile was what have the potion it's strength. Too few drops would cause the potion to explode however too many would cause the potion to turn into a thick clump. One additional drop on the other hand would enhance its abilities.

I put the book down and realised that 20 minutes had passed. I turned the heat off and careful stirred the potion 7 times, alternating between clockwise and anticlockwise.

I continued this process every 3 minutes until I could feel no heat coming off the potion.

Carefully I picked up the armadillo bile. I uncorked the bottle and held it over the potion. I tilted it and let the drops fall. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... I hesitated slightly but allowed an 8th drop to fall into the potion.

A small puff of smoke emerged from the caludron and I felt slightly nervous. I had to wait and see if it would work.

8 minutes later Snape called "Bottle your potion and put them on my desk, you should be finished by now."

I looked inside my cauldron and saw that it looked very good. Using my ladel, I dished some of my potion into a glass phial. The consistency felt right, it was the perfect colour (deep blue) and it wasn't curdling at the bottom of my cauldron. I put a cork on the phial and labelled it clearly with my name. Feeling pleased with myself I walked over to Snape's desk and carefully placed my completed potion on his desk.

I looked at him however he appeared to be avoiding eye contact with me. I walked back over to my desk and packed up my equipment.

"Class dismissed," Snape stated.

I waited for Hermione before walking out of the classroom with her. We had herbology next so we strolled towards the greenhouse.

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