Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

I looked around the room and saw that it was amazing. The room was huge. The bed was draped in plush linings of red and gold, the walls were a creamy colour however that was almost invisible as it was covered in shelves and portraits. My trunk was at the foot of the bed and however it was empty. My clothes were neatly folded into a dresser, my books were stacked on the shelves and my most personal belongings were laid gently on the bed.

I wandered around the room, putting things in places that looked good: my quill, ink and parchment on my desk; photos of me with my parents on my bedside table; a picture of me, Ron and Hermione on my dresser and a drawing of padfoot on my wall.

I felt relaxed. After putting my belongings away, I changed into a pair of pajamas and walked into the washroom.

My mouth dropped open. The bathtub was enormous - it was the size of a swimming pool. Rows and rows of taps were along the center that each had tiny labels on. I walked around towards it and saw the inscription 'lavender breeze'. I realised that they must be different bubble baths.

I walked over to the sink, brushed my teeth then washed my face. The cool water made me shiver however I didn't feel cold.

I walked back into my room then sat at my desk. I grabbed 2 pieces of parchment, a quill and unscrewed the lid on my ink.
Dipping my quill in the ink, I decided to write a note to Sirius first.

"Uncle Snuffles,
CAREFULLY Floo to the Gryffindor head girl suite. We need to talk.
11pm 02/11/94.
P.S. I did a James"

I put my finished note aside and began to write a letter to...what do you call your old professor who was best friends with your parents. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"Dear Uncle Remus,
I need your help, my name was entered into the goblet of fire. I am now a participant in the Triwizard tournament. Could you floo to the Gryffindor head girls suite at 11pm tomorrow (02/11/94) as I need advice and assistance with my future endeavours?
P.S. I did a James"

Smiling I set down my quill. I tried to decide whether or not I should send the letters now or tomorrow morning however I realised that Hedwig would be out hunting.

I turned and walked over to my bed. A tapping at my window made me look back. It was Hedwig. "You are one clever owl"
I whispered as I opened the window.
Hedwig hopped inside and held out her leg. I fastened the letters to her leg, stroked her before letting her fly out.

After shutting the window, I walked back over to my bed and clambered in. As soon as my head hit the pillows I fell fast asleep.

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