Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself on my bed. Remus was sat in a chair next to me, reading.

"Wassgoinon?" I mumbled incoherently.

"Ah Harry you're awake," Remus smiled. "You used up your magical core strength, which caused you to faint. I caught you before you hit the floor and laid you down on the bed. You've been out for around half an hour."

"Is Sirius ok, I never reversed the stunning spell?" I asked groggily.

"Sirius is fine, I shall wake him now." Remus smiled.

"Wait before you do, I need to speak with someone. Could you put my invisibility cloak over him, it's in my trunk." I stated, still slightly confused about my surroundings.

Remus nodded then proceeded to cover Sirius with my dad's cloak, an expression of fondness on his face.

"Dobby," I called into the thin air.


"Harry Potter called on Dobby. Dobby is so happy. What can Dobby do for the great Harry Potter miss?"

Remus caught my eye with a look of amusement in his eyes.

"Hey Dobby, could you get 3 plates of the dinner they are serving tonight, 3 plates of dessert, a pitcher of pumpkin juice and 3 goblets," 

"Of course Miss, Dobby will go at once,"

With that, the excitable elf disappeared with a loud crack.

"That was the strangest and most senile house elf I have ever seen, and I have met Kreature." laughed Remus.

"Wake up Sirius, I trust Dobby not to tell anyone, plus he probably has some rather juicy inside information," I smiled.

Remus woke Sirius up then asked, "please explain that though with a bit more evidence."

Before I could explain, Dobby was back with the food. When he saw Sirius he gasped but ran over to hug him.

Sirius, who was still disoriented, grinned when he saw Dobby.

"Hey Dobby, long time no see."

"Mr Sirius, it is good to see yous again!"

"Dobby, you won't tell anyone about Sirius being here will you?" I asked cautiously.

"Of course not Mistress Potter." He responded.

"Good. Dobby please call me Harry. Even though I am your mistress, we are friends." I smiled fondly as the energy-filled house elf bounced up and down with glee.

"Harry Potter is the greatest, the kindest, the most noble person ever" Dobby gushed before disappearing with a pop.

"Okay what the hell is going on?" Asked Remus.

"Dobby was the Malfoys' house elf." I explained.

"That explains why his bat-shit crazy," Sirius laughed.

"I met Dobby after he tried to stop me from going back to Hogwarts for my second year to protect me. Lucius Malfoy had slipped a diary belonging to Tom Riddle into Ginny Weasley's cauldron in the summer. The diary was the key to opening the chamber of secrets. I tricked Malfoy Sr. into freeing Dobby with a sock. Dobby was treated horribly and it reminded me of my childhood so I freed him. He may be a little...quirky but his hero-worship of me comes in handy." I laughed.

"That explains a lot," Remus stated before turning to Sirius and asking "but how do YOU know Dobby?"

"Dobby was an engagement present that Lucius got Cissa. My cousin would often use him to send messages back and forth. I would give Dobby something small like a dung bomb to plant in the room whenever they had company. He would listen to me since I was technically family - a fact that I despise." Sirius spat the last part of his explanation with a force so bug, he made the plates of food shudder.

"Right now that makes a lot more sense, shall we dig into the food before it gets too cold?" Remus suggested.

We all dug into the delicious cottage pie happily.

When I had finished eating, I laid back into my pillows and smiled. It was rather comfortable.

"Harry, I want you to know that I'm proud of you for handling this situation so well." Sirius smiled at me.

"Well, doing something funny is the best medicine for anything." I grinned back.

"I'm also so damn proud that you have followed in your father's footsteps and pranked, the ministry and three schools."
Sirius said, pulling me into a hug.

"James would be so proud of you." Remus smiled.

"Thanks Uncles." I smiled.

"Unfortunately, we cannot sleep here again so how about we visit you every evening around 7 and practice some magic?" Sirius suggested.

"Sure, sounds great." I smiled.

I hugged them both before watching them floo out of my room. It was sad to see them go however at least I knew I would see them again soon.

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