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After Darkstar returned, she and Orion happily exited the Hall of Records servo in servo. As they walked along the busy street, Orion rubbed the back of Darkstar's servo protectively, making Darkstar stifle a chuckle.

"Here we are," he said, pointing across the street. The two quickly crossed the street and walked towards the front door. There stood a tall silver mech with blue optics. Not noticing Orion and his companion, he continued to read one of the political posters on the wall. 

"Megatronus," Orion said.

The mech turned around. Darkstar felt an unpleasant shiver down her spine when he looked at her.

"Orion, my young friend, it is good to see you. And you must be Darkstar," Megatronus said.

"Yes, I am. It is good to finally meet you, Megatronus," Darkstar greeted him by nodding.

Megatronus stared for a second, then turned to Orion.

"She is a very fine femme, Pax. She embodies grace and elegance, as well as an intelligent and strategic mind."

"I'm very lucky," Orion said, gently pulling her to his side.

Megatronus chuckled and they went inside.

"Would you like anything, sweetspark?" Orion asked.

"I'm good, Orion. I'll go get us a seat," she replied.

Orion nodded and continued to decide which energon treat he was going to indulge himself in. 

Darkstar sat down at a table near a large window and watched the cybertronians walking by. Her thoughts turned to Megatronus. He seemed kind enough towards Orion, but that didn't shake the feeling of pure dread when she met his optics. She jumped when she felt a servo on her shoulder. 

"I'm terribly sorry," the femme said, flinching.

"It is quite alright. I must have been daydreaming. How may I help you?" Darkstar asked with a reassuring smile.

The femme sighed and gestured to a small figure behind her stabilizer.

"My daughter was just saying how beautiful you were and asked if she could say hello."

Darkstar smiled gently and held out a servo. The sparkling gingerly took it and cautiously walked towards the predacon. She then gently lifted the little femme and sat her on her lap.

"Hello, what is your designation?" she asked.

"Kickstart," the sparkling whispered, playing with Darkstar's claws.

Darkstar watched the child with gentle eyes. She never got tired of small sparklings coming up to her, unafraid of what she is. However, she does get mixed reactions from the parental units. Some yell at her to get away, some drag their sparkling away from her in fear, and some have even cursed her while threatening to harm her. It was a very rare occurrence for both the child and parent to be open to her.

"Tell her why you wanted to see her," the carrier said, rubbing the child's helm.

The child looked at Darkstar and stood up. Even when standing on her stabilizers the child barely reached Darkstar's optics. She held her arms out and gently touched Darkstar's horns. Darkstar' optics widened in surprise at the femme's boldness.

"I think your horns are pretty. So are your wings," she said, giggling.

Darkstar unfolded her wings slightly for the child to see. Kickstart's optics sparkled as she ran a gentle servo over the folds.

"They look like the night sky," she said, not taking her eyes off of the wings.

Darkstar chuckled. 

"That's what my bondmate always tells me."

Kickstart placed her forehelm on Darkstar's. The older femme's optics started to tear up at the child's sweet gesture.

"Thank you!" she said, hopping down to join her carrier.

"Thank you so much," her carrier whispered, holding Darkstar's servo.

Darkstar nodded and watched the duo leave.

"What was that about?" Orion asked, walking over.

"She just wanted to say hello. And what is that, may I ask?" she said, gesturing to the loads of sweets in his servos.

"What? I couldn't chose! Some of it is for you though," he said defensively.

Darkstar laughed and looked around.

"Where is your friend?" she asked.

"He had a fight to get to. He sends his apologies," Orion said, shrugging.

Darkstar nodded, relieved.

"Are you alright? You seem out of it," he asked, putting his servo over hers.

"I'm fine, Ori. I just... have a bad feeling about Megatronus. I'm glad you have a friend, I really am. But, *sigh*, something seems a little bit off," she said gently.

Orion tilted his head in confusion.

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

Darkstar bit her lower derma. Orion sighed.

"He can be intimidating. But I'll admit that he can be a bit... harsh at times. If you don't feel comfortable around him, then that is perfectly fine."

Darkstar smiled and thanked him for understanding. She shouldn't feel intimidated by him, she could easily beat him to a pulp, but her guess was that she saw something sinister in his eyes. Shaking the thought from her mind, she turned all of her attention to her lover and enjoyed the time that they spent together.

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