Darkstar's Daycare

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I got this idea from _error_1010

Go check her out! She's an amazing writer and I enjoy her stories so much!

Warning: suggested lemon at the end


*at base*

Darkstar growled as Ratchet hit a sensitive nerve in her wings. She had been on her midnight patrol earlier and had encountered some drones that were probably searching for energon, and.... you can probably guess what happened.

"Would you PLEASE hold still?" Ratchet scolded.

Darkstar rolled her optics.

"Not my fault you keep hitting ner- OW!" she roared as he hit yet ANOTHER nerve bundle.

Frustrated beyond reason, Ratchet pulled something unexpected.


Darkstar gaped at him. That was a nasty move. She narrowed her optics at the medic as she heard her mates' pedesteps approaching.

Upon arriving at the med-bay, Optimus was able to sum up the problem fairly well.

"Darkstar... are you giving Ratchet a hard time?" he asked with a small smirk.

Darkstar shot him a dirty look.

"No. Your medic keeps hitting nerves! Like every single-GAH! OW! Frag Ratchet!" she hissed as she stood up and backed away slightly.

Optimus pinched the plate between his optics and gently held Darkstar's shoulders and led her to sit back down on the medical berth.

"Dearest, Ratchet is not doing that on purpose. Your wing anatomy is complicated and he's doing his best. I will be right here, alright?" he said gently while caressing her arm.

Nodding, Darkstar stayed completely still and after about thirty minutes, Ratchet was finished.

"Thank you," she mumbled as she stood and stretched her wings.

"You're welcome," Ratchet said with a smug smirk on his dermas.

Darkstar huffed and left the med-bay with Optimus in tow. Almost immediately, Raf ran to the railing when she emerged.

"Are you okay now?" he asked worriedly.

Darkstar smiled at her little friend.

"Much better now, thank you for your concern," Darkstar said as she gently nudged him with a digit.

"Would you like to go on patrol with me, sweetspark?" her mate asked, holding out a servo.

Darkstar smirked and began to transform.

"LAST ONE OUT'S A ROTTEN EGG!" she yelled as she barreled out of the base.

Optimus chuckled lightly and chased after her.

The two sped through the desert, leaving clouds of dust in their wake. Optimus couldn't help but laugh. Darkstar always knew how to make him loosen up a bit and be a bit playful every now and then. When they finally reached a secluded spot, they both transformed. The setting sun cast a rich glow on Darkstar's frame, creating a halo around her. Optimus walked over to her and took her servo in his smiling up at her.

"Thank you," he said, raising her servo to his dermas.

Darkstar smiled as a blue hue dusted her cheeks.

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