Darkness Rising Part 4

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*This is only part 4 of DR*

Darkstar roared at the oncoming hordes.

"Megatron has desecrated the resting place of our fallen ancestors and his own," Ratchet hissed angrily.

"Not even the dead are free from his warmongering," Optimus growled.

Darkstar took a protective stance over the two mechs.

"Destroy them!" Megatron roared.

The undead began to attack. Optimus fired at the ones closest to him and Ratchet as Darkstar pounded them into the ground.

"Optimus, if our combatants are already deceased, how will we possibly defeat them?!" Ratchet yelled.

Optimus didn't answer, but kept firing at the undead.

"Ratchet, retreat! Get back to base!" he ordered.

Ratchet stood firm.

"No, I will stand with you Optimus. You both may require a medic after this is over with," he said, drawing out his blades.

The two advanced into battle and began slicing and shooting at the enemy. Darkstar noticed that when Ratchet cut off an undead's arm, it offlined.

"I would suggest dissection, mechs! It seems to be the best way!" she yelled as she ripped a soldier in two, "And the smaller the pieces, the better!"

"Sound advice, Darkstar!" Optimus said, replacing his blasters with blades.

Darkstar detransformed and brought out her own blades. With a battle cry, she began to rip into the undead army alongside the two mechs she held most dear.

*Timeskip through the battle because author is tired*

Darkstar was beginning to grow weary from the amount of dark energon exposure. She turned and skewered an undead soldier, severing its head from the rest of it. When it fell, she did too. Ratchet saw this and ran over to her, helping her up.

"Optimus! We need to figure out a way to speed this up a bit! We're starting to feel the effects of dark energon exposure! It's zapping our strength," Ratchet yelled.

"We cannot falter now!" Optimus replied.

A massive pile of undead attacked Optimus, attempting to pull him under. Darkstar shook herself off and transformed, aiming towards the mass of undead on her mate. She made quick work of them, tearing them off Optimus with both her claws and teeth, snapping them into pieces. But they then began to amass onto Ratchet. She detransformed and ran to Ratchet, only to be attacked as well. She heard Megatron's laughter sound in the distance. Having enough of this, she charged the ignition chamber in her chest and belted a huge ball of hot flame onto her attackers. Seeing that Optimus had freed himself, she turned her attention to Ratchet, turning the undead beating him into scrap. Helping him to his pedes, she turned and looked at Optimus, who was watching Megatron

"My legion! Finish them!" Megatron screeched.

Darkstar hissed.

"Why doesn't Megabucket come down here?! I'm itching to kill something that's not undead," she growled.

Ratchet chuckled tiredly and took a defensive stance.

"Wait, where's Optimus?" he said.

Darkstar's optics scanned the area. 

"There he is!" she said, pointing to the ledge where Megatron stood. 

Darkstar transformed and gently held Ratchet in her maw as she took flight towards Optimus, who was currently firing at a retreating Megatron. After reaching the ledge and setting Ratchet down, she turned and started to follow Megatron.

"Darkstar! Don't!" Ratchet called.

Darkstar stopped. She let out a horrifying roar of anger and sent a pillar of violet flame into the sky.

"COWARD!!" she screamed.

Ratchet looked down at the field below.

"If this wasn't Megatron's endgame, I wonder what is," he said.

~back at base~

"What happened to you guys?" Miko asked as Darkstar repaired Ratchet's shoulder.

"We engaged an army of undead Cybertronians," Ratchet replied.

"Zombies?! You fought zombies and I missed it?!" she yelled.

Darkstar laughed. 

"Bulkhead, you performed extremely poor judgement in allowing the humans to accompany you," Optimus said gravely.

Bulkhead stood and looked at the children.

"It... won't happen again, Optimus, I promise."

Miko huffed.

"But it wasn't Bulkhead's fault!" she said.

"Miko! Please!"

"And check it out, recon!" she said, flipping her phone open.

Optimus knelt down and looked at the photo.

"Ratchet, have a look."

As they were all talking, aggressively, Darkstar started to fix her left wing. Some of the undead had managed to rip a few holes in it, but nothing she couldn't fix, even though it hurt like the pits. She came out of medbay just in time to see Jack leave through the groundbridge. She ran forward in a poor attempt to stop him, but in turn was held back by her mate. She saw the saddened expression on Arcee's face as the bridge closed.

"Maybe it's for the best," she said, placing a servo on Arcee's shoulder.

Arcee didn't reply as she turned and left for her berthroom. 

Afterwards, Darkstar began aiding Ratchet in the analysis of the photo Miko had taken.

"It can't be," she said, looking at Ratchet with wide optics.

Ratchet gasped.

"Optimus!" he called.

"These are engineering specs for a time vortex generator," Darkstar explained.

"Megatron is building a spacebridge, if he hasn't already," Optimus said, narrowing his optics.

"The sooner he leaves the better!" Bulkhead chimed in.

Darkstar sighed.

"Bulkhead, a spacebridge runs in two directions. Megatron may not be using it to leave Earth, but to bring through his conquering army," Optimus explained.

"The main event Megatron referred to?" said Ratchet.

"But the only place Megatron could recruit that many fallen warriors, is Cybertron," Darkstar said.

"Precisely," Optimus said.

**To be continued

Hello lovelies! Yes, I changed my mind on the mashup of parts 4 & 5. I will be getting part 5 out most likely tomorrow, if not sometime next week. 

Stay nerdy!


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