A Day on the Town

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**Warning: mild marital dirty talk and start of a lemon at the end**

"Come on Bulkhead! You're taking forever!" Miko whined as she watched her guardian pack things in his trunk.

The green giant chuckled at his charge's antics.

"If we're going to go out today, we need to pack some stuff in case we need it," he replied.

"What exactly are you packing Bulk?" Darkstar asked from her spot near her vehicle.

"Picnic blankets, radio, a few CDs, wicker basket to carry food in, a cooler for drinks, etcetera," he confirmed, mentally checking off his list.

The children had been wanting a day out with the bots for a while, so, as a surprise, the team told them that morning that they were going to spend a whole day in Carson City, Nevada's capitol. All of the bots were going, except for Ratchet and Antares. Ratchet did not want to leave the base in case something happened, and he offered to watch Antares for his parents so that they could have some alone time together, which they happily accepted.

"Carson City has a big RC Car shop, Bee! I've always wanted to go, but we never travelled that far," Rafael said excitedly.

His guardian grinned.

"It'll be a great experience for both of us. And hey, maybe we can make an RC of my altmode!" Bee said with equal enthusiasm. 

Darkstar laughed at the two's excitement. Seeing a familiar shadow loom over her, she looked up and smiled.

"And what are we going to do, dear husband of mine?" she teased Optimus.

He smirked.

"Do they have Victoria's Secrets in Carson City?" he whispered into her ear.

She gasped and playfully smacked his chest, which earned a hearty laugh from him.

"We don't need another sparkling right now," she hissed.

"But that's what those-" Darkstar slapped a hand over Optimus' mouth.

"Not around them," she said through gritted teeth.

Beneath her hand, she felt her conjux smirk and lick her hand, which made her reel her hand away and wipe it of on her Journey tank top. 

"Cool shirt Darkstar! I personally prefer some Slash Monkey!" Miko said as she and Bulk held up the rock on hand sign.

Since Miko brought hard rock, or "metal", into the base, Darkstar went on a quest to research more of Earth's music. While researching, she came across the band called Journey, and she absolutely fell in love with it. Most of her casual wardrobe consisted of themed shirts of her favorite things. She had a few Journey shirts, a few Koenigsegg, Ferrari, and Bugatti shirts, a signed Lionel Richie shirt, two Kenny G shirts, a Bon Jovi concert shirt, a Boston shirt, and a  Chicago shirt, and those were just among the favorites.

"You know, Miko, I saw an advertisement for a vinyl store in Carson City. And from what I saw, they had a lot of hard rock stuff," Jack said.

Miko's eyes went wide and began tugging on Bulkhead's sleeve.

"Primus, please don't encourage her," Ratchet groaned from the monitors as he activated the bridge.

"Is everything packed and ready?" Darkstar called out on the comm link as everyone prepared to get going.

B: "Yep!"

A: "All set."

BH: "Ready!"

Darkstar then turned to Optimus, who was in her passenger seat.

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