Rock, Paper, Scissors

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Hello! This chapter is dedicated to @OnePrimeSimp. She is an incredible person and has been a huge supporter of this book and is just an amazing person to talk to. This is in response to one of her comments on one of the previous chapters about Darkstar stealing Arcee's line, "get fragged". This also features two of her OC's. Details below:

1. Designation: Roulette (named after Russian Roulette)

Gender: Femme

Alliance: Autobots

Height: about a quarter of Darkstar's size, being up to Dark's shoulders.

Relatives: Darkstar (Roulette was adopted by Alpha Trion when Dark was 2 and Roulette was a few months old, making Darkstar her adoptive sister.)

Likes: her nephew, all autobots, the humans, learning about humans, simply hanging with Darkstar, babysitting Antares (literally went to lengths of hunting down every way to take care of a sparkling)

Dislikes: Jack's mother, shares a hatred with her sister towards Fowler, Miko's taste in music, silence (since she's so used to hearing noises from the war, she gets paranoid when it's silent), seeing Darkstar cry/angry/hurt (to the point of being a therapist).

Dumb info: Roulette was born two years after Darkstar was (technically), in which she was adopted by Alpha Trion to accompany Darkstar through their life cycles. She adores fighting, and has an odd liking to being extremely sarcastic and dramatic at random times. Roulette seems to enjoy making the others laugh, in which she seems to be the only one who can make Ratchet laugh really hard. She adores stargazing along with watching Earth's wildlife. Long before the war when Darkstar had met Megatronus, Roulette was alongside her and immediately developed a liking to Megatronus. In which not long after, the two started dating. When the war began and Megatronus betrayed Optimus, Roulette and Megatronus' relationship ended. In the time she liked Megatronus, Darkstar would constantly make comments just to make Roulette flustered.

Alt mode: Lamborghini Aventador

Bot Mode (light blue instead of green)

Bot Mode (light blue instead of green)

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2. Name: Lilo (lee-low) Rodgers

Age: 25 (A friend of Jack's, like an older sister to him. Met through Jack's work KO Burger.

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10'' (Tall genes from her father.)

Likes: Fixing things, reading, scrolling through YouTube Shorts, drawing, Ratchet, Optimus, Darkstar (treats DS like a sister), Jack, Miko, Raf (all friends), Antares (was very close to cursing like a sailor when Ratchet endangered Antares' life).

Dislikes: unorganized stuff, seeing other people's blood, physical contact, playing Piano (was forced to play piano by her mom), anytime someone cries.

Dumb info: Lilo is a smart, caring young adult woman, who somehow scares the Autobots when she's mad or pissed. She cares for Darkstar like the sister she never had, referring Darkstar as her "Sis" and Antares as her nephew. Literally only accepts physical contact to people she trusts (specifically Darkstar, Optimus, Antares, Raf, Bumblebee, Jack and Miko.) When she was younger, she dressed like a boy (still does), in which loved male stuff way more then female stuff (which caused her parents divorce.) She was forced into playing Piano when she was 5, although would hang out at her father's mechanic shop to skip piano lessons.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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