When Darkstar first met Orion Pax

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Alpha Trion's loud pedesteps sounded in the halls connected to the Hall of Records, as was a daily occurrence. However, today was different. Behind his sure stride was the added sound of smaller pedes attempting to keep up.

"Sire! Slow down!" a little predacon femme said.

The old librarian chuckled.

"My apologies, my little one. I admit that I am quite excited about what I am to show you today," he said gently, taking hold of her servo.

"What are you going to show me? And I'm not little!" she retorted.

It was very true. Little Darkstar was almost three times the size of a Cybertronian youngling (about 14 in human years), which made it harder for her to make friends, resulting in Trion teaching her completely on his own.

"I am presenting you to the Council at the Hall of Records as my femmeling and destined warrior of Primus."

Darkstar's optics lit up.

"I finally get to see the Hall of Records?!" she said excitedly.

Alpha Trion chuckled and nodded. The reason he had not shown her the Hall of Records until now was because he wanted to give her all of the knowledge and teaching she needed initially so that she could feed her curiosity and build on everything that he had taught her. Even at a young age, she was very well versed in foreign relations, battle strategy, Cybertronian history, and many different languages. Recently, she had completed her tests of strength, so she was then able to continue training in combat. She had shown herself to be ruthless and strategic in sparring, always knowing which of her opponent's pressure points were most useful.

"Sire, is there anybot my age in the Hall of Records?"

Darkstar did not see the small smile that graced her sire's dermas.

"Yes, my dear one. We have a promising young data clerk about your age. His name is Orion Pax. He is just as curious as you and I believe you two will be fast friends."

Darkstar's optics sparkled as they reached the end of the corridor. Upon entering the Hall, she gasped in awe.

"Welcome to the Iacon Hall of Records, Darkstar," Alpha Trion said.

The library was beyond anything she could've imagined. It's glittering structure was lined with hundreds of shelves that held thousands upon thousands of documents and historical records. Cybertronian flora glowed bright in large planters and some even grew along the walls. At the center of every four sections sat circular desks that held four librarians each. Her sire explained that the librarians on the floor are there to assist bots in finding documents or files that they require. However, the much larger desks at the different entrances are the ones who identify the different sections and help with datapad checkouts and returns.

"Alpha Trion! Good to see you old friend!" Council member Drivetrain called, raising a servo.

Her sire clapped the mech on his shoulder and turned his frame so he could see Darkstar, who stood with her servos clasped behind her back.

"Fellow Council members, I present to you my femmeling, Darkstar, heir to Vector Sigma and future keeper of Cybertronian history and lore. Darkstar, meet Council members Drivetrain, Ratbat, Halogen, Sigil, and Contrail."

Darkstar bowed elegantly and waited for any of them to speak.

"She is a fine femme, Trion. Quite mature and wise for her age. I have no doubts that she is already quite accomplished?" Contrail asked.

"Indeed. She has exceeded all of my expectations. She has already shown intelligence and knowledge far beyond her years. She is very curious and soaks up new information like a sponge," Alpha Trion praised.

Suddenly, a loud thud was heard nearby. Alpha Trion already knew what the source was, so he sent Darkstar to help. When she arrived to the origin of the sound, she was surprised to find a red and blue mech under a pile of datapads.

"Are you alright?" she asked calmly, walking towards him.

The mech looked up briefly then did a double take. 

*Orion's POV*

I hear a soft voice ask me if I am alright after I just knocked over a shelf. Ashamedly, I glance up, then look up again, this time in awe. In front of me I see a beautiful black, purple, and gold predacon femme walking towards my embarrassing position. She stops and gives me a quizzical look. 

"Are you alright?" she asks again.

I snap out of my trance and blush.

"Y-yes, I am alright. Just clumsy," I say sheepishly.

She sighs in relief and gently smiles, and I swear my spark almost stopped. She helps me up and we work together to put the datapads back in their rightful place.

"What is your name?" she asks.

"O-Orion Pax, data clerk," I say nervously, holding out my servo.

She smiles brightly as she takes it in her larger servo.

"Darkstar. My sire told me about you," she says.

My optics widen.

"You're Darkstar?!"

She nods.

"Is... that a surprise?" she asks, uncertain.

I instantly shake my helm.

"N-no! No, no! Alpha Trion always talks about you! I just didn't expect you to be so, pretty-" I clapped my servo over my mouth.

Her beautiful violet and gold optics went wide for a second before she began to laugh, and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"You're so adorable, I like you," she says bluntly.

I blush and smile shyly.

"Darkstar?" I hear my mentor's voice call.

As he rounded the corner, a friendly smirk grew on his faceplates.

"I see you have met my most promising student, Darkstar," he says.

"I have, sire. He merely knocked over a few datapads, nothing of harm," she says.

Alpha Trion nods and gestures for us to follow him.

*General POV*

As the two younglings walked behind the old mech, they continued to talk about different things, along with the occasional laugh after a joke was made.

"I think we will be great friends, Orion Pax," Darkstar said, smiling as she gently took his servo.

"So do I, Darkstar," her companion replied.

*Orion's POV*

I swear I have seen an angel in person, and she looks perfect.


Ta da! A little bit of Orion and Darkstar before they became bondmates! I used a little bit of the song "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran because I think it totally fits their dynamic. Hope you all enjoyed!

Stay nerdy!


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