Sick Mind

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"Optimus, you are not going to believe this, but I've just pinpointed the location of the Decepticon warship," Ratchet said.

Darkstar watched as her mate and the others walked towards the main monitor.

"How did you penetrate their cloaking technology?" the red and blue leader asked.

"I didn't. I was experimenting with variable frequency wavelengths when I stumbled upon it," Ratchet explained, turning back to the monitor, "Their ship must be experiencing some electromagnetic breach."

"With Megatron deceased, and the element of surprise..." Arcee said, stepping forward.

Darkstar shook her head.

"I don't think that trying to infiltrate the Nemesis is a smart idea. Everything in this situation points towards a trap."

Darkstar paused.

"However, Ratchet has found an Autobot emergency ship on that same frequency. If anything, this seems to be more important."

Optimus nodded.

"The Decepticons can wait. There may be Autobots in distress. Ratchet, bring your medical kit," Optimus ordered, "And Darkstar, prepare sickbay."

The predacon and medic nodded. As Darkstar prepared the medbay for any possible injury or illness, thousands of thoughts and worries ran through her mind.

'What if something goes wrong? What if it's another trap? What if there are too many injured and we can't handle it? What if something happens to Ratchet or Optimus? What if-' her thoughts were cut short by a strong pair of arms wrapping around her torso and a servo rubbing circles on her now more noticeable bump.

"I know what's going through that beautiful processor of yours, my goddess. I promise you that everything will be okay, trust me," Optimus said quietly.

Darkstar turned around and looked him in the optics.

"But you can't make promises like that. You can't see the future. I don't want to lose you and have to raise this sparkling alone," she whispered, tears forming.

Optimus smiled slightly.

"You wouldn't be alone. You would have Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and even Wheeljack when he comes back around. Don't worry so much about me, my love."

Darkstar held his face in her servos.

"I can't help it. I love you too much to let you go. Please, please stay safe. If not for me, for our sparkling," she begged.

Optimus nodded and knelt down so he was eye-level with her abdomen and gently kissed it.

"I'll be back soon, my little one. Be good for your carrier."

The Prime stood and placed a lingering kiss on Darkstar's dermas as he left medbay to join Ratchet. As Darkstar watched them go through she prayed fervently to Primus for them to stay safe and come back alive and well, while fidgeting with the gold band that adorned her left servo.


Darkstar knelt behind Optimus, holding his helm comfortingly as Ratchet scanned him. The two had just returned from their mission and the team soon found that he had contracted the Cybonic Plague.

"It's only contagious if contact is made with the infected energon, right?" Darkstar asked.

Ratchet nodded.

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