Darkstar and the Children

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After the kids' shock had worn off and most questions answered, Optimus introduced them to Darkstar. 

"Hello, my name is Darkstar," she said, kneeling down a little, trying not to get too close so that they wouldn't be at risk of being hurt.

Miko's eyes became so wide, it started to concern the other two.

"A DRAGON??!!" she yelled, startling everyone around her.

"A what?" Darkstar asked Raf.

"A dragon is a huge winged reptile from our mythology," Raf explained.

"Can you breathe fire?!" Miko asked, bouncing up and down.

Darkstar smiled and nodded. Miko gasped.

"Can you show us?!"

Darkstar looked at Ratchet who huffed and nodded in compliance. She stood and placed her servo down for the children. Miko hopped on enthusiastically while the boys gingerly stepped up. Placing them on a spacious platform nearby, she took in a vent to fuel the blasting chamber in her chest. She aimed at a large piece of sheet metal against the wall closest to her and let out a gust of violet fire. 

"Woooo!!" Miko cheered.

When Darkstar cut off the flame, the entire sheet of metal was gone and only a scorched silhouette was left.

"Wow!! Do it again! Do it again!" Miko yelled giddily.

Darkstar laughed at the girl's expression. Optimus' optics sparkled for a second while he watched Darkstar. It had been eons since he had heard her laughter.

"Unfortunately I can't show you my beast form. This area is too small for my to comfortably transform," she said to Miko, "But I promise to show you someday."

Even on Cybertron, Darkstar had rarely used her beast form. Although Alpha Trion encouraged it, Darkstar thought it best to keep it under wraps unless completely necessary, like when she had to go to the faraway city of Kaon as the Council's escort. Optimus had only seen it once, and it baffled him as to why she was so afraid of it. 

"Optimus? Are you alright?" Ratchet asked, concerned.

The prime nodded and walked towards the computers to continue monitoring the surrounding landscape for energon signals as the others continued to converse with the children, trying to learn more about them. He suddenly felt arms wrap around his waist loosely after a while of typing and staring at the monitor.

"Are you alright? Have you found anything?" Darkstar asked, placing her helm on top of her mate's.

Optimus hummed softly.

"No, I have not found any new caches of Energon," he said bluntly with a hint of despair.

Darkstar frowned slightly and started purring. In all of the years she had known Optimus, the one main thing that helped him calm down was her purr. It was deep and created gentle vibrations in her chassis. Darkstar felt Optimus relax a bit and heard a barely audible sigh escape his dermas.

I love you, she said through their bond.

I love you too. And thank you, her lover replied.

For what?

For never giving up on me and always being there for me no matter what.

Darkstar chuckled.


Hey guys! I know I promised this chapter a couple days ago and I am so sorry that it took me this long to publish it. I just wanted to do a fun little filler.

And I have changed the formatting of these chapters a bit. I am only going to re-write the episodes that have the Autobots in them. For the ones that are mainly about the Decepticons, I will either do a filler or do a little flashback into Darkstar's past. I will also be doing a Q&A with Darkstar as the next chapter, so please give me some questions!

Stay nerdy!


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