Darkness Rising Finale

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"We cannot let Megatron send dark energon to Cybertron!" Darkstar growled, "If he succeeds, the undead of Cybertron will swarm through the vortex and will ultimately end human existence, leaving Earth under Megatron's tyranny." 

"Optimus, I've pinpointed the location of Megatron's spacebridge," Ratchet said, "High in Earth's orbit."

"And therefore, out of our reach," Optimus replied.

"So, you guys can't fly, except Darkstar. But can't the rest of you just groundbridge there?" Miko asked. 

"No, Miko. The groundbridge has limited range, if it were stretched into orbit it could snap. And we'd be basically obliterated," Darkstar explained.

Optimus sighed.

"Since Megatron is likely already in transit, I'm afraid we must take that risk."

Darkstar looked at Ratchet, who in turn looked at her with concern and a flash of fear across his face.

Just then, Arcee rolled into base with Jack.

"Hey! Guess who's back!" he said.

Darkstar walked over and gently nudged him with a digit.

"Autobots, prepare for departure," Optimus ordered.

Jack's smile faded.

"Where to?" Arcee asked.

"The final frontier," Miko replied.

"Space? I thought they had no way of getting there!" Jack's voice rang with concern and surprise.

"They don't, not really. Except for Darkstar," Raf said.

"Who will be remaining at base," Optimus said gravely.

Darkstar spun around, mouth agape.

"Excuse me?! What gives you the idea that you can go off and potentially fight thousands more undead in space without me?" she hissed.

"The fact that I do not want you there. There is no oxygen in space, you will not be able to use your flame," her mate replied sternly.

Darkstar rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Fine, we don't have time to argue. I'll stay here and make sure Ratchet doesn't go insane."

"Optimus, if you leave me stranded on a planet teeming with humans, I will never forgive you," Ratchet growled.

Darkstar and Optimus shared an amused smirk.

"Until we meet again, old friend," the Autobot leader replied.

Darkstar placed a soft kiss on Optimus' forehelm.

"Come back to me, okay?" she said, stroking his cheek.

"I promise, my north star," Optimus replied as he drew his battle mask, "Autobots, roll out!"

After they had reached the other side, Ratchet shut off the bridge. Meanwhile, Darkstar sat hunched on a crate, holding her helm in her servos.

"They'll be fine. Optimus will be okay," Ratchet said reassuringly.

"You don't know that," she growled.

Sighing, Ratchet went back to the monitors to listen in.

"Without the dish, the Decepticons won't be able to lock onto Cybertron's coordinates," Optimus said.

"Don't the Decepticons know where their own planet is?" Raf asked.

"Naturally, but Cybertron is many lightyears away, to reach their target their aim must be astronomically precise," Ratchet explained.

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