Chapter 18- Lucas

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"Hey." I greet LeRoy whose waiting by his locker.

He shoves me away like the dick he is, laughing when I swing at him and miss. "I hate you." I mutter, pushing him away from me.

LeRoy only laughs, "Why aren't you in class?" He wonders, glancing down at his phone.

"I have study hall but I got bored, I was going to see Astraea." I explain, "Have you seen her?"

He shakes his head, "Nope."

I frown, "What are you waiting for?" I ask instead, "Nava? I thought she stood home." I pull out my phone, sending a quick text to Astraea asking about her where abouts.

"I'm waiting for Lucio," He says, looking around the halls. "He's supposed to be picking me up for an appointment I have but he's taking his sweet ass time." He rolls his eyes, meeting my eyes in fake annoyance. "Oh look, speak of the devil."

I move to turn around but i'm instantly put into a headlock, "Did you miss me?" Lucio teases, hugging my head tightly against his chest like the annoying asshole he is.

"You have no idea." I respond dryly, giving him the finger when he lets me go.

Lucio smiles, "I know you did," He ruffles my hair, knowing I hate it so when I smack his hand away he laughs. "So cranky."

I give him a dirty look, "What happened to your lip?" Eyeing his split lip that he keeps wincing at when he laughs. "Ouch. It looks painful as shit." I hiss when he touches it.

"Your girlfriend hit me." He mutters bitterly.

It's quiet for a long moment before LeRoy and I break out into laughter, "What did you do to piss her off this time?" LeRoy asks, smirking at Lucio's pissed off expression.

He gives us a sarcastic smile before meeting my stare head on, "I yanked her away from the building she was about to jump off." My laughter dies at his serious tone, "And did you know she's hearing things?"

I straighten up in alert, "What?" My brows furrow, "She wouldn't kill herself, she's always up there." I respond, "And what the fuck are you talking about?" My stomach sinks when his expression doesn't shift.

"She was going to jump, Lucas." He tells me seriously.

LeRoy cuts in, "Hey, don't say that." He tells him seriously, concern heavy on his features, "How do you even know that? She does dangerous shit all the time." He tries and I know it's for my comfort.

"Where is she?" I ask, worried.

Lucio hesitates, "She's hearing things," He says again, "When I asked her about it, she snapped on me so I let it go." He scratches the back of his neck, "She could have the same thing as Azrael, has she ever shown any signs of schizophrenia to you?"

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