Chapter 19- Astraea

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My fist meets his face before I can even stop myself, rage swimming through my veins like a shark hunting for its next meal

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My fist meets his face before I can even stop myself, rage swimming through my veins like a shark hunting for its next meal. "You fucking asshole!" I snarl, hurt as I stare down at him. Loki just lays there, taking it all. "Did even think about Lucas when you decided to stick a fucking needle in your arm?"

He relapsed again.

"I'm s-sorry." He shivers, fucking dazed out.

My heart breaks at the tremors racking through his body, "Fuck. What about Eris Loki?" I hiss, tears clogging my throat. "She's going to be so heartbroken. Don't you think she's been through enough?" Tears stream down his face, "Why would you do that?"

My eyes go to his arm. He was on heroin, high as fuck on school grounds like this was normal. "Who gave it to you?" I ask quietly. He doesn't answer and I grab him by the collar of his shirt, "If you don't tell me, I'm going straight to your brother and you know where he's going to send you? Straight to rehab." I sneer, "Tell me where you got it from."

Shame clouds his features, "I can't."

"You can trust me," I soften my hold, "I've got your back."

Anguish washes out his features, "I'm sorry." He cries, "Don't h-hate me." His teeth shatter and I know it's because his body is coming down from his high. "Please, i'm trying." His eyes squeeze shut, his head probably hurting.

I didn't hate him. I hated what he was doing to himself, he was supposed to be happy and thriving. Something was wrong because Loki was doing so fucking good. What triggered it? I help him up, almost tripping on my feet at how how heavy he is but I manage as I bring him behind the school where nobody comes around.

His back hits the ground and he groans but I don't have the decency to care or even think about it because I'm to focused on what this will do to Eris. To Lucas. "Why can't you tell me who it is?" I grit, my chest aching.

Loki's eyes shut, "Don't ask me that."

"Tell me." My anger starts to grow again, "Tell me!" I shout, my chest heavy as I try to stop myself from crying. "Why did you come to me?" I ask, panicked. "I don't know what to do. I have to tell your brothers, Loki." I try to explain, try to get him to understand.

A sob tears out of him, "Please don't." He rasps, "I won't do it again just please don't tell them."

I can't stop the tears this time, "Don't ask me to lie." I choke out, "You're life is so important to me and I won't watch you go down that road again." And I couldn't lie to Lucas, I just couldn't.

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