Chapter 16- Lucas

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Astraea hadn't showed up to school for the rest of the week, she didn't even answer any of my texts and it started to worry me

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Astraea hadn't showed up to school for the rest of the week, she didn't even answer any of my texts and it started to worry me. I thought we had made a little progress on the communication part but she was still distancing herself, it felt off today though.

I felt like something was wrong.

She had withdrawn to herself, avoiding everyone around her. Even Milan wouldn't tell me what was going on and when I asked Loki, he was just as confused as me.

"Something's wrong, Loki." I mutter, tugging my hoodie over head as we made our way out the school.

He bites his lip, eyes filled with concern as he thinks about what could possibly be wrong. "Maybe she just needs some time to herself, she does this a lot. She turns into a ghost when things go to shit." He tries but even he doesn't believe it.

"I'm going to see her." I blurt out.

Loki's brows furrow, "Are you sure? What if they don't let you in?"

The thought made me angry but then I swallowed it down, "Nobody should be home but if someone is then I'll just try." I grit my teeth, "I just want to see if she's okay." I tell him quietly, "I hate that she thinks she's alone." It didn't matter how many times I told her I have her back, she would always have her own.

Loki is silent for a moment, "You really care about her." He murmurs, a small smile playing on his lips.

Yeah. It was more than that.

That girl meant everything to me and I had no idea how it happened but it did. She was the only person I wanted to be around or spend my days with.

"Drop me off at her place." I tell Loki, hopping into the passenger seat.

He doesn't bother trying to stop me, instead he drives off and takes me where I want. I had been hesitant about letting Astraea leave in the first place, she had been spacing out a lot and zoning me and everyone else out. I was worried. I was scared she was stuck in her head ruining whatever sanity was left there. She was self sabotaging. She didn't care that she was ruined, she didn't care about all the broken pieces. Instead, she kept destroying herself because she didn't feel worthy of anyone except that fucking monster in her head.

My heart races in my chest with fear. Something was wrong, I could feel it. My hands shake anxiously as we stop in front of her house, "See you later?" I croak, unable to take my eyes away from the house.

"I'll stay." Loki says and at first I think it's because Astraea is his friend but then when I look over at him, he's staring at me. I remind myself that he cares about me, that I'm his brother too and even when we fight—Loki's always worrying about me. "I'll be out here if you need me but if you decide to stay then shoot me a message so I can leave."

I nod, "Alright." I murmur before exiting the car and making way to the door. I knock three times and wait for someone to open the door but nobody does so I grab the key from under the welcome mat and let myself in. The house is quiet, proving to me that nobody's home right now. I walk up the stairs, leading me towards Astraea's room with my heart in my throat.

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