chapter 1

567 15 39

Pov: Narrator
It was early in the morning when America felt something crawling up his leg. He got up slowly, Gently rubbing his eyes, and when he looked down at his leg he let out a little scream, waking up the rest of his siblings.

"AUSTRALIA YOUR FUCKING SPIDER-" he screamed, jumping out of his bed.
"You're just scaring him, calm down mate" Australia said as he picked up his spider.
"HE'S SCARING ME AS WELL-" America complained, as he sat back down on his bed. He never liked Aussie's obsession for animals, well, he liked animals too, but not the mortal beasts Australia had.
He looked at him with an annoyed look, without saying a word.

".....Mmh...what happened...?" New Zealand mumbled as she woke up, looking at her two older brothers.
"It's just that America here is scared of little spiders" Australia teased, getting a glare from America.
"... Morning brothers" Canada woke up, as America and Australia were still arguing about the spider.

"Guys... Instead of arguing for a stupid spider we should go to prepare for school"
New Zealand got up from her bed and walked towards the bathroom, While her other brothers were searching for their clothes.
".....The spider is definitely smarter than you..." Australia muttered, as he received another glare from Zee.

"Where the hell are my sunglasses?!" America asked angrily, looking around.
"Uh.......yeah 'bout that-" Australia said, as his voice lowered a little " would you react if I told you I accidentally broke 'em....?" He mumbled, his voice was barely audible

"OH YOU LITTLE BASTAR-" America started to say, but he was interrupted by Canada "Why do you always have to cover your eyes? They're beautiful"
"They are weird, no one has eyes like mine..." The striped country replied, as he looked into the mirror in his room.
He had one ruby red eye, and the other one was yellow gold. He didn't like them much, but his family always told him they were unique.
"Well....For example Italy has heterochromia too, you're not the only one" Australia affirmed, with a slight smile on his face.
"And? They call her weird for that" America replied harshly
"Well, she doesn't mind being called weird- and it's not just for that she is weird herself." Canada said
"But I do!" America replied, as he searched around to find another pair of sunglasses.

Meanwhile New Zealand finished using the bathroom, as now it was Canada's turn.
America got up slowly to go look for another pair of glasses, only to find them inside his backpack.
"Oh thank goodness, I thought I should have gone to school without glasses..." He muttered, before getting up and going to the bathroom, Since Canada was done. 

After a while, all the brothers were ready, and they went downstairs.
Their parents had gone on vacation to relax, so they wouldn't see them for at least a month if all went well.
After doing the last things they had to do, they packed their backpacks and walked to their high school.

"Mmh....wait-...When do we go on the field trip with all the classes in our year?” America asked, as he walked beside his brother. Meanwhile Zee and Aussie were running to school, they said they had to do something. "Well Umh-...if I'm not mistaken at the end of this week" Canada replied, while staring at the sky. He then turned and looked America in the eyes.
"Whatever you do, don't get into trouble, at least on a field trip. Please-." He said, before looking up at the sky again.

America scoffed, giving and annoyed look at Canada "you know that with my class it's impossible not getting in trouble, right? Do you remember when I came home laughing because Morocco stabbed Brazil because Austria gave him a scalpel blade since Italy who always brought a knife to school gave him inspiration?"

(This thing actually happened in my class 💀)

He said, as he chuckled "we were first graders" he smiled slightly, it was actually pretty rare seeing America smile genuinely, and surely it was nearly impossible seeing him do that at school, unless he was with his class. He really liked those people, they were the most popular and trouble making class of the whole building, but, they were the most united one too. In fact, they always helped each other out, like a big group of friends.

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