Chapter 2

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Pov: Narrator

After a while the bell rang 8 o'clock, which meant that lessons were starting. America, Japan and Germany started walking towards their respective classrooms. America, went in third E. The class consisted of 21 countryhumans.
America, Italy, Morocco, Austria, Brazil, Albany, Poland, Finland, Chile, Switzerland, Mexico, Argentina, Sri Lanka, Portugal, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, China, Romania and Thailand.

He entered the classroom, and no one had arrived yet.
He sat in his seat, (next to Finland in the first line, next to the door), and looked around the classroom. He smiled once again.
He looked at all the work they had done together, hung on the walls of the classroom. There were some drawings posted on the walls, some billboards, there were also the things they had written and drawn with markers on the walls. All things they had done together. Yeah, most of that stuff was probably bullshit, but it was a really good memory none of them would forget.
While he was thinking about it, the first students in the class began to enter.

Then Finland arrived and sat next to him.
"Hey! How are you doing?” She asked
"Umh...good, you?" America replied
"Good" Finland said, then everyone arrived.
"Uh... what's our first class...?" America asked
"Maths" Finland said. Oh hell yeah. Everytime there was maths class, there would be a huge mess in this room. One time they put a football match on the big white board, another time all 21 students hid in the vents to skip the maths test. There was always a big mess and just a few listened to the lecture.
But when the class began, someone of them was missing. Where the hell was that idiot of Italy?

-meanwhile with Italy-

Italy and Russia had just finished talking. Russia walked to his class, he knew he would get detention and probably get scolded by his sisters for coming home late. He just accepted his fate.
Italy on the other hand had to do something, so she rushed into the classroom "CI SONO" (Translation: I'm here!)

she screamed as she entered, almost falling on the teacher. "Eh- uh.... Buongiorno prof" she said and sat down next to her deskmate (Brazil), in second row next to the window.
Brazil was chuckling as he looked at his deskmate sit down.

The lesson continued, until...The teacher looked at the clock and said "Attention Please! We will now get up CALMLY and go to the assembly hall for an announcement from the principal!"
Having said that, all the third E students stood up and making a great racket and not at all calmly arrived in the assembly hall, where all the students of all classes of the Institute were seated for the announcement of the principal.

They sat all the time making a big mess, while they kept joking and talking. After a while the teacher got impatient and yelled at them to shut up, and after a good 5 minutes of scolding they were finally silent. The principal began to talk about the trip that will take place in 2 days, and the hotel where they will stay. Turned out they were gonna stay for an entire week in a little village in the mountains.

The principal began to talk about all the rules:
-"Don't break anything"
-"don't exit from your room at night"
-"don't go in other students rooms"
-"don't leave trash around"
In short, the students had already finished listening while the principal continued to explain the rules everyone will break. But after a while he said something that caught the student's interests.
"Now we will tell you who your roommates are and which room you will have" the principal said, and all the students began to listen.

"Let's start from the third floor" the principal said. The third floor was the best one for making trouble, but the teachers didn't know about that. They put there most of the troublemakers on the floor without supervision. And that was a big, huge mistake.

The principal started to tell the rooms, until....
"Italy, Russia, Germany, Austria and America in room 45 at the third floor" the principal said.

Italy was happy. Then she noticed she was the only girl in that room, but she didn't care much.
Germany didn't really care about the room, he was happy there were Italy and Austria though.
Austria didn't give an actual fuck. He just wanted to end this week as soon as possible.
Russia didn't want the American in his room, and the same for America.

After a good hour of giving the room's the principal finished, and everyone returned to their classes.

After a few more hours the school day ended, and the students began to return to their homes.

-Timeskip 10 minutes later-

Russia was walking home alone, his sisters (Ukraine and Belarus) they were already home. After a while he arrived to the building, his sisters just glared at him as he walked up the stairs.
When he entered his room he got a text.

He just got added in a group chat.

                           Room 45
                   *Cimpi added you*

TalkingBurger<why the fuck did you make a group chat for our room?! We already didn't want to be togheter and now you even make a group chat?!

PizzaPasta<the principal told us to do a chat with our roommates not my fault

Oh ok>Rus

Ger< this necessary?

Painter<Apparently yes

Russia huffed and sat up in bed for a while, then started packing.

After some time he was done, and fell asleep on the floor as he was very tired.
He didn't sleep the last night, because he was arguing with his sister.


The rest of the room 45 members had finished packing, except America. He couldn't find his sunglasses. He only had one pair, so he had to be careful not to break them in the mountains.

He was still packing when Canada walked into the room.
"Hey" He said "they told me who you're in the room with" he then added.
"It sucks" America said "I didn't want to room with them, especially Russia. At least I have Italy and Austria but I don't know how it will go" he said, then he looked at the stuff he was packing.
"Who are you in the room with?” America added.
"With Mexico" Canada said.
"Ohhh with ya boyfriend?~" America teased "what- NO HE'S NOT-" Canada shouted as he blushed slightly.
America chuckled "yeah, sure bud..."  then he looked back down at his stuff and finished packing it.

Then he looked around the room, and not knowing what to do he ended up playing videogames with Australia till midnight, then they both fell asleep and Canada and New Zealand had to carry them to bed.

The next day passed really slowly, and the teachers passed their hours talking with the students about the trip and not doing any lessons.
After that day some students couldn't sleep the night, they were too excited for the trip!
The next day nothing interesting happened, everyone returned home and was really excited.
The next day everyone woke up early, and after a while all the students were in front of the school with their stuff, waiting for the bus to arrive.


here's the second chapter of the book! Sorry if it's bad, it's kinda rushed and I didn't really have much motivation.
I hope you like it!
I haven't got anything to say for now, so, thanks for reading this fanfiction and see you in the next chapter, where there will happen a few things...
*Insert suspance*


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