Chapter 8

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And here we were again with all the students climbing up the mountain. As mentioned before, our five favorite Countryhumans are now leading the pack.

Italy was kicking a couple of rocks, which fell down the mountain. Meanwhile Russia and Germany were still sitting on the rock, and America was walking at the edge of the path, where only the other three could see him.

"FUCK-" America, being as smart as Mexico, fell off the edge, scratching himself all over as he rolled down. When the other three noticed his fall, they ran to see, but being as intelligent as America they also fell and rolled down.

The Russian, who was right behind America, grabbed him by the hips and pulled him towards him, then with a quick movement moved him behind him, and took the blow when he crashed into a tree.

Meanwhile, Italy and Germany were not so lucky, in fact Germany managed to end up in a lake, and Italy almost ended up in it too.

"....meine gott-" Germany whispered as he got up, looking at the others. "Cazzo" Italy Muttered (Translation: Fuck)

Russia got up and looked around. There were just trees, trees and other trees, a little lake, trees, and guess what? Trees! He didn't see the path anymore, neither the others. "Shit."

He turned around and looked down at America, who was still on the ground, mumbling curses as he tried to get up. Without thinking two times, he grabbed him and picked him up again. "we gotta find the path" he ordered, the others nodded. America had a little hint of blush on his face, but didn't say nothing or complain.

"We'll find it somewhere, it's not like we're gonna die here. Right? Yeah right" Italy asked, the others just glared at her. "What? I said we won't die!" She said, still no response by the others as they started to walk around and try to find the path.

"Let's split up, it will be easier if we cover more ground" Russia ordered. "...but isn't it easier to scream 'help'? I mean, we just fell, they can't have gone far..." Germany suggested. "Ger has more brain cells than the three of us put together" the Italian announced looking at the Russian and the American. "...that was pretty obvi-" the two muttered at the same time.

"HELP! WE'RE DOWN HERE!" They started to say. No response. "Guys maybe it's better to try to find the route. Those assholes are deaf. Expecially Austria that idiot doesn't hear anything" Italy started muttering "You're right..." Russia agreed. "Can we just sit for a moment? I think I broke something falling into the lake-" the German asked, the others nodded as they sat down on a nearby rock.

Italy slowly helped Germany sit on the rock and checked his arm "Yeah I think that shit's broken" she said.
Russia face palmed.
"Oh well fuck" America said.

They looked up at the sky, when they started to notice something. There were surely a lot of clouds, and it looked like it was about to rain. "No don't do this to me-" Russia begged "We gotta find somewhere to stay. It looks like a storm is coming-" Germany said, holding his arm. "Okay we'll go find one, you two stay here" Russia said as he grabbed Italy by the arm and took her with him.

America slowly sat next to Germany, who was still holding his arm in pain. "Sooo...You good bro?" He asked. "... What kind of question is that?.." Germany replied as he looked up at him.
"Bro just checking ya know" America glanced again at the sky, as he felt little cold drops of water starting to fall onto his skin "Russia and Italy gotta find soon a place to stay, If not we're screwed" He then added.

"Yeah, do you think they're fine? Italy usually acts a little weird around Russia and he does too, they always get in trouble...what if they get hurt?" Germany said as he looked pretty worried "They're fineee, Italy is always fucking around in the woods and Russia is the big strong Russian guy, I'm sure they're good"

"What if they aren't?" "Stop being paranoid"
Then they heard a loud thud, followed by some random curse in both Italian and Russian.


I'm back! Sorry for not updating this fanfiction for a long time and that stuff, school was harder than I expected and all my drafts got deleted for some reason. Also sorry for the short chapter but I'm out of ideas, but I'm sure I will be posting another chapter by the end of the month.

After saying this...


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