Chapter 5

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It was around 9:30 pm, when everyone was back into their rooms and some of them already asleep.
They had to go to bed in 30 minutes, though most of the students will say up for the whole night, probably breaking lots of rules and that stuff.
At first Italy and Austria were gonna sleep in Brazil's and Morocco's room (with sleep I mean sleep or talk or gossip or play truth or dare not what you're thinking bro 🤨), but since it was just the first night at the hotel and the next day was going to be rough they decided to just go and sleep in their own rooms. (The next day they would go in the mountains👍)
Some times loud noises could be heard, some other times you could hear loud swearing and teacher's going into student's rooms and scolding them for not being asleep or for making such loud noise in the night.

·Meanwhile in room 45...·

America was the first one that was going to change. He got up and dressed in his pajamas, to be precise the first shorts and shirt he could find.
Then it was Austria's turn. "I don't sleep." he muttered to himself, knowing that the others could hear him "I'll probably escape the room at 3 am and no one will know what I did outside of this building." he then added.

"Bud, you scare me sometimes. That's why I like you though" Italy said as she got up and walked to the bathroom to change.
Meanwhile Russia had already fallen asleep with his head ache, and sometimes they could hear a muffled moan of pain coming our the Russian's lips as the American continued to check his temperature and that stuff.

After a while Italy came back, she was wearing short shorts and a black top. It was a pretty simple outfit, but when she sat down next to Germany on their bed his face flushed red. "...cosa?" (Translation:"...what?") Italy asked as she looked at the German in the eyes. "Eh...? O-oh nothing!" Germany lied, he blushed even more at the eye contact. As he laid down on the bed, Italy did the same.

America laid down next to Russia, and Austria-....where did he go? Did he already disappear? Oh c'mon not again...

"That idiot it's probably in Morocco's room"
America said as he looked at Austria's empty bed.
"Si" Italy said "Buonanotte" (translation:"Goodnight") she then added.

After midnight everyone was asleep, or at least that was what the American thought.
He was laying down on his and Russia's bed, sleeping peacefully. Until he woke up, it was around 1 am.
He slowly sat down on the bed, only to notice that Russia wasn't next to him anymore.
He looked around the room and when he looked at the floor he blushed intensely.
There were a guy and a girl playing UNO.

The guy had long, white hair, he had yellow gold eyes, on his face there were three stripes, white, blue and red. He wasn't wearing any shirt, showing for the first time how much muscular he was.
He had some bandages on his left hand, and on his head there was an ushanka.
The girl had long wavy brown hair, she had one blue ocean eye and a green eye. She also had some kind of sharp teeth. She was wearing cross earrings, shorts, and a top, that was showing her muscles as well. On her face there were three vertical stripes: Green, white and Red.
It didn't take long for Ame to notice that they were Italy and Russia.

"UNO" Russia declared as he looked at Italy with a little smirk. It was the first time ever America saw Russia smiling, and it was the first time he ever saw him even show any positive emotion. America thought he looked really cute like that...

"Brutto figlio di puttana-" (Translation:"ugly son of a bitch-") Italy commented as she looked at her cards. "Ehhh niente hai vinto" she admitted, as Russia placed his last card on top of the deck of cards. "I told you I was good at this game" Russia mocked looking at the shorter girl. "Ma vaffanculo va' " (Translation:"fuck you") Italy murmured as she began to shuffle the deck.
The more America stared at the two the more he blushed, and after some time staring he finally decided to speak.
"Emh....Guys?" He babbled, as the other two finally noticed him.
Russia, when he saw America he immediately blushed knowing he wasn't wearing any shirt.

Meanwhile Italy was smiling brightly at America "hey bro" She said as she continued to shuffle the deck.
"...why are you two awake...?.." America asked, as he tried to cover his blush that continued spreading across his face. "Minchia ci sono 40 gradi ci credo che non riusciamo a dormire" (translation:"Shit it's 40 degrees, I guess we can't sleep") Italy blurted out as she gave seven cards to the blushing Russian. "A-and...why aren't you wearing any shirts...?" America then asked, blushing even more when he realizes he actually asked that question.
"I told you it's 40 degrees and we're both dying of heat" she simply answered, as her and Russia started to play another match.
"Wanna play with us?" She then asked. "Uhh...sure" After a while America replied.

In the end they played for a lot of time, and they fell asleep on the floor at 4:30 am.
Italy fell asleep with her back laying on her wall, Russia with his back laying on the bed and America...

America fell asleep with his head laying on Russia's shoulder, making the scene even cuter.

At 5 am the window next to the beds opened. Someone entered from the window.
Who was it? How the fuck did he came there? They were at the third floor after all.

Guess what? Yeah it was Austria who just came back. He struggled a bit to enter into the room, but in the end he did it. When he saw the scene he chuckled, and since the dumbass he is he grabbed his phone, took a photo and sent it to their group chat.

He then slowly waked to his bed and sat on it "Mmh...i think I might feel like blackmailing some countryhumans tomorrow morning..." he whispered to himself as he laid down on the bed, and after a while he fell asleep as well.

·Time Skip·

Now the room was dead silent, and the whole hotel as well, all the students were asleep now, and soon after the morning arrived and the sun started to raise.

It didn't take long to wake up for some students...


And here I am with another chapter! Next one is gonna be more interesting too.

See you in the next chapter!


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