Chapter 3

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Pov: Narrator

All the students of the third year of highschool were there, waiting for the bus in front of the school.
America was alone, searching for his roommates (because they had to sit next to each other on the bus), his brothers were already gone where only god knows.

He was walking around, trying to find his 'friends' in the crowd. He looked a little tired, he didn't sleep much because his father called him and started telling him some other rules that he had to respect for the trip or he would be 'punished'.
But it was late at night and he didn't listen none of them. He knew he would regret it.

He was thinking about that and zoned out, but then he accidentally bumped into someone.

He looked at the person he had accidentally knocked over, a boy a little taller than him, wearing an ushanka. He had yellow gold eyes, and he was really cute seeing him from there.
he huffed when he saw him, and extended his hand to help him up.
Then without saying a word they began to look for the rest of the group.

"Have you seen any other of our roommates...?" He then asks, looking up at the taller countryhuman. "Нет" Russia replied as he looked around, trying to help.

Very useful as usual. America thought, while looking for the other 3.
They found Germany, who was talking to Poland.
And then they found Austria who was fighting Morocco for some reason, and Brazil and Albany were watching them while chuckling.

"Where's Italy?" Germany asked
"That's what I was trying to find out" America said "that dumbass, she's probably late as always. She's probably still sleeping" he mumbled.
"Nah she isn't late, I saw her going with Spain behind the building" Austria said.
Then something came into Russia's head.
He walked behind the building...

-Time skip to some time later-

Germany, Austria and America were waiting for Russia and Italy, they were  really worried from Russia's attitude change since he always seemed like to not have any emotion most of the times.
After some minutes they finally arrived,  after a while they saw Spain returning from the school's backyard and walking to his roommate (Greece)

"What happened?" America asked, as he noticed that Italy she was a little shaken. "Niente! Va tutto bene" (translation: Nothing! Everything's alright)
Italy he said, in a voice that suggested all was not well.
"are you sure?" Germany asked, looking at her with some kind of confused look.
"Si" she quickly said, wanting to change subject.
Meanwhile Russia was looking around, occasionally glaring at Spain.
What happened behind there?
You will find out later.

After another long 20 minutes that seemed to never end, the bus finally arrived a little late.
Everyone quickly got on the bus, and at the back were the seats for four.
Germany, Italy, America and Austria took the seats of four. Russia sat in front of them, but nobody wanted to sit next to him and he traveled alone.
"We have to travel 6 and a half hours" Germany said, then he looked around and saw Poland next to him looking at him.
He blushed slightly and looked down on the floor, after a while Poland did too.

Luckily Italy (who was really jealous) didn't notice it, because she was really busy arguing with Austria about a really important question wich was crucial for both their lives.
"No bro adesso non è mai adesso perché adesso continua a passare quindi se io dico adesso adesso che lo dico di nuovo adesso è passato quindi adesso è passato" (Translation: no bro now it's never now because now it keeps passing so if i say now now that i say it again now it's passed so now it's past) Italy explained, confusing Austria even more than he already was.
"Adesso è adess- cosa?" (translation: now is now- what?") Austria asked, sounding that confused that he confused Italy too.

Meanwhile America was resting his head on the window, looking at the beautiful landscape, wich was a little unusual for him since he would always talk with someone on long trips.
Looking back a bit he saw the face of a handsome boy, with some beautiful pair of yellow gold took him a few minutes before he noticed that it was Russia's reflection on the window.
He immediately looked away from the reflection, pushing that embarrassed thought away, a pink hue forming on his face.

Why had he thought he was handsome? He was his worst enemy after all! They hated each other with all their heart! Right?...

The hours on the bus went by pretty quickly for the little group.
Italy kept making black humor jokes, eliciting laughter from all the back seats of the bus, even a little chuckle from Russia.
Even her cousin, Montenegro, kept making jokes, and earning chuckles from most of the students.

(Yeah Montenegro is Italy's cousin here, because "Neg*o" in Italian means the n- word and my cousin decided he wanted to do that.)

Finally they arrived at the hotel, most of them happy and quite rested thanks to the constant jokes and laughter. They were all excited, what would happen?
Some of them had already knew how the whole week would go. And fortunately one of that lucky people were in our little group.

After everyone had their stuff back, the teachers slowly took them inside the little hotel and gave them their rooms keys, and before finally letting the students go they told everyone the time where they had to go back down to the ground floor again, to eat dinner in the dining room.

Russia and America were silently walking to their room, not even looking at each other, when they noticed the rest of the group was missing.
"Again?! Are you fucking serious right now?!" America yelled with a frustrated tone, then turned around and looked down the stairs.

There was still Austria there, who for some reason was carrying his stuff and Germany's. After a while he also saw Italy, who was carrying a sleeping German.
"He fell asleep on the bus and Italy didn't want to wake him up" Austria explained, as he finally arrived at the 3rd floor.
America just huffed without commenting since he found it extremely stupid, they could just wake him up.
Russia was a bit annoyed by their lack of presence but found the scene extremely cute since he always shipped Italy and Germany, and whenever he said that he would earn a slap from the girl.

They managed to get to their room with a bit of a struggle, and when they opened the door they were in for a little unpleasant surprise, which, however, they would also maybe like in the future.
The room was nice, yes, there was a light blue wardrobe and some hangers on the wall, there was a mirror in front of the beds and the bathroom was well looked after, washed and all.

The problem was the beds.
They weren't uncomfortable beds, that's for sure, they had soft, warm blankets and comfy mattresses.

The problem was the arrangement of the beds.

There were two double beds on either side of the room, and a single bed in the middle.
Austria without thinking twice, probably without even thinking as he usually did, he threw himself on the single bed in the middle and declared: "MINE".
Italy gently placed Germany on the double bed by the window, and then sat next to him and started unpacking her stuff.

This meant that Russia and America would sleep in the same bed whether they wanted to or not. Thing that both of them didn't want. Right?....right?

America was ready to make a big scene, probably gonna scream at Russia and the rest of the people in the room.
But Russia was really tired since he had another argument with his sisters the last night, he started feeling heavy and he ends up laying down on the bed without opening his mouth, quickly falling asleep while the striped country would just start complaining to someone.


Oi! Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the third chapter of this book. It's not the best, I know, but I'm still working on it.
Sorry for grammatical errors and for posting late, I'll try doing better next time.

Now that I have nothing else to say to y'all...

See you in the next chapter!


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