Perospero x Reader

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    Requested by •@oMma_io


     "Peros?" You stared at your husband with tears of joy in your eyes. He gave you his infamous smirk before opening his arms for an embrace. You ran to him, hugging him tightly, inhaling the sweet scent that you missed so much.

     He was sent off by Big Mom on an assignment and had been gone for about a month now. No calls were made to you which was understandable but it made you very sad not being able to hear his voice.

     Now, he was back and it made you the happiest.

     "Will you come with me to rest?" The exhaustion was present in his voice and you didn't doubt that all he would want to do is take it easy and relax. With an eager nod, you took his hand and lead the way to your bedroom but he suddenly stopped you, slightly tugging you into the opposite direction. You turned to him, giving him a confused look.

     "It's so beautiful outside. Let's go to the garden." He then lead the way to your new destination.

     It wasn't odd for the two of you to enjoy each others company in the garden. The flowers you tended to were beautiful and well taken care of. Sometimes a quilt would be thrown over the grass and you would just watch the clouds minding their business up in the sky as the two of you would point out the different shapes you saw from each white puff.

     As usual, you laid out a quilt on the grass and joined your husband in resting as you laid your head on his chest. His heart beat made you feel at peace. To know that he's been safe throughout his time away brought you joy.

     "Do you remember when we first got married? You hated me." A red hue danced across your face as you looked up at him, eyes closed and not bothering to look your way.

     "I didn't hate you."
     "Did I scare you?" He did. His height, his demeanor, the rumors, his reputation. It was all scary.

     "You did scare me." His eyes finally opened and met yours. Curiosity shrouded his eyes as he scanned your face momentarily.

     "Do I still scare you?"
     "Of course not."
     "Do you love me?"
     "Is that even a question, Peros?" A small chuckle escaped his lips as he rested back down on the quilt, looking up at the sky.

     "I remember, the mission that changed everything." He didn't like thinking back to that day but you saw it in a different light. A frown was displayed on his face. You couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.


     Chains were sloppily wrapped around your wrists as they dug into your flesh. Your breathing was heavy and blood had been leaking from your nose and mouth.

     The pirates that snatched you up when you and Perospero took separate routes had successfully kidnapped you, chaining you up, beating you and shouting profanities at you. They demanded you tell them some of the many secrets that the Charlotte family withheld but you didn't even know what they were talking about. That and you were the newest member, being married off to one of Big Moms sons. They convinced themselves that you were lying to them and had beat you with belts, bottles and even their own fists. At one point you cried out for Perospero, to which they laughed at. They were mocking your marriage and how weak you and Peros were.

     "We are in an isolated island in an abandoned building. He won't be able to save you here, sweetheart." After hours of torture and calling out for Perospero, you blacked out.

     You weren't awake for the hell that Perospero raised when he saw your bloodied and bruised body. In shock that they were found, they hesitantly fought the Charlotte, only to lose their lives in the process. He was so blinded by rage that he killed them instantly when in reality he would've loved to torture them himself.

     He broke and unraveled the chains that left scratches and bruises on your skin before picking you up with one arm. He stared at you, swollen face, busted lip, cuts all over your body. He remembered hearing from a distance before he barged into the run down building, your weak voice calling for him before ultimately passing out. That's what had set him off.

     Even if the two of you didn't really make much contact prior, the fact that you called for him and needed him made him feel useless as he stared at you with the state you were in.

     He successfully brought you back to Whole Cake Island where he reported back and had your wounds treated before returning you and himself back to Candy Island. Ever since then, you would cling on to him like a koala on a eucalyptus tree.


     "I wish I made them pay for everything that they did to you." His words were dripping with venom. You could see that he was quickly getting riled up by the memory.

     A small sigh was heard from you before you gently placed your hand on his cheek while the other rested on his chest. He looked at you, anger still in his eyes. You couldn't help but smile at his willingness to keep you safe from harm or danger. A smile curled on your lips before kissing his forehead. His anger retreated as embarrassment took its place.

     "I'm still alive and I have you to thank. Let's just relish in that, Peros." He didn't say a word, his cheeks now feeling hot at from the loving gesture.

     You laid your head back on his chest and started to hum. Swirling little patterns with your finger on his abdomen, you thought about the times after that how you missed him dearly whenever he wasn't home. Or how you greeted him every single time he came home. This had been the longest he's been gone and you were so delighted to have him back.

     "I love you." It was the first time you had ever said those words to him. His eyes shot open before shifting a bit to look down at you. Still swirling imaginary shapes on him and resuming your humming, you didn't move. He thought he was hearing things for a moment but it was too clear to assume so.

     What's this? Were these butterflies he felt? Was he feeling love as well? He suddenly felt a bit nervous but happy at the same time.

     A smile formed on his face before laughing a bit and closing his eyes once more.

     "I love you too, (Y/N)."

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