Killer x Reader

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⚠️ WARNING: contains dirty talk 🤭


     "What the fu-" You immediately regretted trying to move even a centimeter. Your head was absolutely pounding. Waves of pressure pulsated through your skull as you gave a long sigh.

     'What the hell even happened last night? How did I get that drunk?' Even thinking was hurting you.

     'I need some water.' As you went to get up, you were halted by something weighing you down. You hissed and looked down. Your eyes became wide and your heart raced.

     'Who the fuck is this?!' You mentally screamed as you saw a large arm around your waist.

     'Do I dare look to see who it is?' You didn't want to. Why the hell were you in bed with someone?! You began to attempt to replay the previous night in your head, only to make you feel nauseous.

     'I need meds. And for this man to get off of me.' You took a deep breath before slowly turning your head.

     'Who the hell is this?!' Panic ran through your body as you stared at the sleeping form of a blonde haired man. The longer you stared, the more you calmed. He was actually pretty hot. If you could give yourself a pat on the back, you would. He was muscular, handsome and even smelled lovely. You couldn't put your finger on it but it was almost a bit soothing.

     "Hey." You whispered, slightly nudging him. He was still asleep.

     "Hey, wake up." The nudge was a bit harder than before. His light snores abruptly stopped as he shot his eyes open. You were immediately captivated by the shade of blue it held.

     Unfortunately, before you could say anything at all, his hand grasped your throat as he lifted himself up a bit from the bed. You quickly placed your hands on his wrist, squeezing it weakly as you stared up at him.

     'Fuck that was fast. I feel too sickly to fight back...' He looked down and scanned you. Realization hit as he saw you were naked, just barely being covered by his bed sheets. Suddenly, he remembered.

     "I'm sorry." He released you and watched you catch your breath.

     "What the hell?!" You sat up as he laid back down, facing the ceiling.

     "It was just a reflex." You froze for a second before staring at the man. You scanned his face and eventually, your eyes landed on his chest. Than his abs. Then-

     "What?" You snapped back and met his ocean eyes.

     "What?" You were in shock.

     "What... how did... I-I have so many fucking questions!" He only stared. Then, his eyes wandered down a bit. You followed his eyes and saw your bare chest was out for him to see. You panicked and covered yourself with the sheet that was on your lap.

     "You know we did have sex, right?"
     "E-Excuse me?! H-How do you know?! You remember last night?!" He watched your flustered face before smirking and resting his hands on the back of his head, resuming his stare at the ceiling.

     "Yeah. Long story short, you and your captain got into a fight. You came into the bar we were in, drank with us. Had a good time and we finished the party back in my room."
     "Am I on your ship right now?"
     "Yeah but don't worry. We're still docked."
     "How do you know?"
     "We got too drunk to do what we needed to do yesterday so we have to do it today." You gave a small nod before sighing.

     "I don't even remember what we fought about."
     "Who cares." He got off from his bed and stretched in front of you.

     "How are you so comfortable?!" You hid your face behind the sheets as you heard him laugh.

     "I was balls deep in you last night and you're getting shy now?"
     "D-Don't say that!" Your shyness amused him.

     "Oh?" You felt sinking in the bed making you slowly lower the sheet to peak and see what he was doing. He was back on the bed, facing you with a devious look in his mesmerizing eyes.

     "Do you not remember anything?" You thought for a moment and were about to say no until your eyes landed on a hickey blotched on his neck.

     It suddenly all came back to you like a rush. A gasp escaped your lips causing him to chuckle.

     "There we go." His voice got deep and quieter, slowly bringing the sheet lower, just above your chest.

     "Do you remember when I was eating you out and you moaned my name?"
     "Stop that!"
     "Would you rather talk about how you rode me and accidentally told me that you loved me?"
     "Oh my god..." His face was just a few inches away from yours. No good intentions came from the look he was currently giving you.

     "We can also talk about how you orgasmed multiple times and how your body shook from absolute pleasure." Your cheeks were as hot as the sun. His words hit you like a ton of seductive bricks. This fucking man was perversely smooth. No wonder you ended up in his bed.

     "We can always do everything all over again so you can actually remember."
     "I... Y-You..."
     "I, you." He mocked, his lips just barely brushing against yours. When suddenly,

     "(Y/N)! Are you here?!" Your body jumped at the angry call of your captain. A chuckle erupted from the blonde man.

     "Shit." You got up from his bed and quickly grabbed your clothes that were in a random pile in the corner of his room.

     "Leaving so soon?" You ignored him, mainly thinking about what your captain would say when he sees you coming out of a Kid Pirates room.

     "I'm leaving..." Was it weird you felt a bit sad? Never had you thought you would sleep with just anyone. You didn't have bad blood with the Kid Pirates and you got along easily with them, drinking and bantering whenever you had ever crossed paths with them. Usually it being when you were solo and not with your captain. Speaking of your captain, he wasn't a big fan of Eustass Kid so this will be a bit awkward.

     "Killer?" You looked back and met with his gorgeous eyes again.

     "What's up?"
     "Do you think of me as... a whore?" He shrugged almost immediately without a thought. Your heart dropped.

     "It was a good fuck. I certainly enjoyed it. What would you call it?" A mistake? No... you never really knew you had such feelings for him. Wait, did you? You were so confused. Was this a no strings attached situation?

     "I'm not sure..."
     "Well, for whatever reason, you always seem to bump into us. How about we handle this next time we see each other."
     "Oi, SHUT THE HELL UP!"
     "MAKE ME!" You hissed at the thought of Kid and Law fighting. Their shouts just painfully reminded you just how hungover you really were.

     "I'm leaving for real this time. The last thing I need is for our captains to fight. I don't have it in me to stop him."
     "Fair." You walked to the door but was abruptly stopped by a hand on your shoulder. You turned and was immediately met with a rough kiss. Butterflies exploded in your stomach.

     "Alright. I'll see you next time." It was a moment before you could compose yourself one more.

     "What was that for?"
     "I wanted to."

     You walked out and saw Law and Kid face to face with each other. As you cleared your throat, their eyes landed on you. Two different expressions were on their faces.

     Kid smirked and scanned your body as Law had a look of shock and disgust.

     "(Y/N)..." You were confused at first until you looked down. Hickeys were littered on your chest and you could only imagine where else, possibly even your neck.

     "Captain, I-"
     "I'm glad you're safe. Let's go." You walked to him and looked up at him, seeing he was looking behind you. You turned and saw Killer, now masked and clothed, leaning against the doorway, arm crossed, possibly smirking smugly under his mask.

     "Ugh." He turned away and started walking.

     "W-Wait for me!"

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