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"we needed a place to live tonight

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"we needed a place to live tonight. It's just a small lie nothing serious." Virat tried explaining as he kept his bag down.

"A SMALL LIE! Virat you literally said we're a couple when you and I, we both have wives and kids." Rohit waved his hands around in exasperation.

"I know, look if I hadn't made that up we'll be spending our days on the streets out there quiet literally." Virat sighed, "and moreover they don't know us, they don't know our identities so who really cares. We'll be off in a few days and then they'll forget it all."

Rohit seemed to be contemplating for a moment before he released a breath too, "you're right. Let's do this"


Virat was about to sprawl on the bed before Rohit pushed him to the side.

" what is wrong with you now?" Virat cried.

"you're taking the couch tonight." Rohit shrugged nonchalantly.

"what? Why am I taking the couch?"

"because I said so. After all that the ridiculous lies you have made outside I don't trust your stinky ass around me." Rohit spoke dryly, "what if you play octopus with me when I'm sleeping?"

"excuse me, you would be the last person I'll be playing octopus with?" Virat scoffed as he spoke pointedly.

"oh really. Because back in 2016 when you broke up with Anushka and you said and I quote ' Rohit meri jaan, agar mujhe Anushka se pyaar na hota toh by God tujhse shaadi kar leta'. " Rohit wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.

[Rohit my life, if I hadn't been in love with Anushka, I would have married you]

" I was drunk." Virat huffed, his cheeks flaming in embarrassment.

He clearly remembered that moment and sometimes he wished he could go back in time and smack a cement bag on his younger self for saying that because Rohit, this bitch refused to let go of it and teased him about it all the time knowing the second hand embarrassment it caused him.

"drunk words are sober thoughts." Rohit whistled mischievously.

"fuck you." Virat flipped his middle finger at him.

"this is why I'm asking you to sleep on couch, let me repeat I'm happily married and I don't need you to fuck--"

"DON'T SAY IT. DON'T SAY IT." Virat yelled in disgust.

Rohit who had successfully managed to stop himself from laughing finally howled in laughter.

"shut up shut up shut up." Virat aimed all the pillows at him.

Rohit choked on his own laugh as Virat tackled him down on the bed, most probably to kill him by suffocating.

"here is something to eat-" Julia, who had entered the room stopped midway seeing their weird position.

"oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I should have knocked on the door. I'm terribly sorry." she bowed down instantly.

Rohit pushed Virat off who tumbled on the side on his face before he quickly straightened himself, "oh no it's fine. Thank you so much for this"

Virat hurriedly snatched the parcel from her hands, smiling a little too big as he opened the door wide for her, a clear signal to say bye, "good night, we'll see you tomorrow"

It was weirdly cute how the expressive Virat who was not behind to convey his emotions and love for others suddenly felt immensely shy and awkward.

Well he deserves it for saying something like that, Rohit shrugged as he thought of all the ways to tease Virat, an evil smile forming on his face.
He was going to extract his revenge for all the times when Virat mortified him when he joined the team.

"yeah yeah, I'm sorry once again. Please continue what you guys were doing." she smiled wickedly at them, "let me know if you need anything, good night"

"bye" Virat slammed the door shut, leaning against the closed door as he sighed in relief, hugging the parcel close to himself.

He opened his eyes to see Rohit smiling at him heinously. He inclined unknowingly a little more towards the door, pulling the parcel in his hand closer to his chest as he muttered, "what? Why are you smiling at me like that?"

"like what?" Rohit asked innocently as he took a step forward.

"like that, evilly." Virat gulped as he started walking in the opposite direction, "don't do that. You look hideous."

"oh come on, let's start where we stopped."


Rohit doubled in laughter, wiping a lone tear escaping from his eye," oh God, this is amazing."

Rohit plopped on the bed as he surfed his phone, talking with the team and letting them know that they have found a place to stay and then texting Ritika about his whereabouts because of the time difference.

Rohit glanced at the time, it has been exactly 36 minutes since Virat fled to the bathroom, what is he really doing in there?

Rohit knocked on the door, "Virat you okay in there?"

"yeah, I think I'll sleep here. This bathtub looks quite comfy." came his muffled reply.

"shut up and come out. You're not sleeping there. I was just kidding, I won't trouble you anymore." Rohit chuckled as he knocked again.

After a few moments of silence, the door opened and Virat stepped out.

"I'll take the couch then"


"fine but I'm building a pillow wall in between because I don't trust your stinky ass." Virat jibbed.

"sure, whatever you wish sweatheart ." Rohit winked as he picked his towel and entered and left him alone.

Virat always played fair and he was going to return all the embarrassment that git had caused him today.


a/n: Hello, hello, hello i had so much fun writing this XD. i hope you enjoyed it as well.

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