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special mention to these people who have supported and given soooo much love here, ShameepLisha2108ictFictionanonymoususer101_Honesty your comments make my day, absolutely love you guys<3

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special mention to these people who have supported and given soooo much love here,
Honesty your comments make my day, absolutely love you guys<3


Virat's mouth hung in awe looking at the architecture around, everything seemed so elegant and gorgeous.
Rohit's condition was similar as he stared at the beautiful Cathedral.

"do you know that this is largest gothic Cathedral of the world." Julia explained as they entered the premises.

"it's beautiful." Virat muttered in amazement.

"it has also served as the burial side for some great people like Christopher Columbus and Ferdinando third of Castile."

"where are we going to start from?" Virat asked, unfolding his map already.

"let's start from getting an ice-cream." Rohit interrupted looking at the food truck.

"good idea. Let's go." Julia laughed as she made a bee line towards the shop.

"I hope you haven't forgotten that we have to go back and play cricket." Virat jibbed.

"I know but I thought we were on our honeymoon." teased Rohit as he slung an arm around his neck.
Virat grunted as he let himself get dragged.

Rohit's eyes gleamed as he looked at the number of options to choose from. After a lot of contemplation and threats from Virat to leave him there if he didn't hurry up, he finally settled on mint chocolate and casata.

"OMFG THAT'S VIRAT KOHLI." Virat's hand with the ice-cream spoon froze midway as his eyes widened in horror.

Rohit seemed to have registered the upcoming havoc too as he quickly covered his face with the magazine in his hand and jumped 10 feet away from Virat (metaphorically) and faced the opposite side.

Virat looked up in alert as two boys around their mid twenties leaped into their direction.
Julia looked confused as she stared between the two deers caught in red headlights.

"oh my God, we're such huge fans, can we take an autograph and selfie." one of them spoke, barely keeping the excitement off his voice.
The other one seemed to be silently fangirling too but had the decency to pull his friend a little back and politely add," if you don't mind."

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