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Virat by mistake slide the pick up button on it as it rang and Sammy's crying face into view

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Virat by mistake slide the pick up button on it as it rang and Sammy's crying face into view.


The phone almost slipped out of his grasp at the shout before he steadied it.
A look of concern clouding his eyes as he looked at her crying face.

"what happened Sammio? Why are you crying baccha?"

"Virat chachu." she hiccuped, wiping her eyes to have a clear look at him.

"Haan tell me, why is my strong girl crying?"

"I fell from the stairs today and got a booboo." she said, pointing towards her elbow.

"what? How did you fall? Is it hurting too much? Should I come back? Where's mumma?" Virat ranted, panicking at the prospect of her hurting herself.

"she's okay Virat. It's just a small scratch. You don't need to come back, let her talk to Rohit for a few minutes she'll be okay." Ritika interrupted his hold forth because who knew if Virat actually came back, you can never trust him with such matters.

One time when she was pregnant and she desperately craved for ice-cream and couldn't get one. She had called Rohit crying and Virat had picked it up. The next thing she knew was 6 boxes of different ice-cream flavors delivered at their home.

Well maybe this is why Virat was best brother.

"it's a small scratch? Look at the big bandage." Virat accused.

"you have to tie a big bandage at the elbow Virat, you know this and kids play and fall all the time so it's normal for them to have scratches here and there." Ritika rolled her eyes.

Virat was about to argue further before Rohit came back and seeing her father, Sammy's wails loudened.
Rohit's fatherly instincts heightened as he immediately took the phone from Virat before trying to calm down his daughter.

"it's okay baba, it's a small cut. You're a brave girl right and brave girls don't cry." Rohit spoke, his expressions turning softer as he uttered those words.

"exactly, they make others cry." Virat interrupted nodding his head.

"they don't. You shouldn't make anyone cry for what so ever reason." Rohit preached.

"even if they hurt you first?"

"that's a different case, in such situation--"

"-break their nose. Sammy don't worry, your chachu is here for you. I'll never let anyone hurt you. I have my bat ready." Virat exclaimed seriously.

"true that, can you imagine the day she'll grow up and introduce us to her boyfriend, I'll legit have a heart attack." Rohit put his one hand on his heart for extra effects.

"we won't let her have a boyfriend till she's 40 or ever and we'll do a background check for any guy who tries to be friends with her." Virat nodded in agreement.

"but she'll marry one day and go away." Rohit's expressions saddened all of the sudden.

"don't worry, we'll make her reside next door."

"what on earth are you even talking about? She's a child for God's sake." Ritika let out an exasperated sigh before shaking her head.

"we have to do the future planning Ritika, kids grow up very fast."

"dada, chachu I'm hurt. Pay attention to me." Sammy wailed as she pouted.

"looks like Sammy is spending too much time with Virat." Anushka laughed as she came in the frame too.

"Nushka what are you doing there?" Virat's head shot up in surprise.

"well you two can take a trip to Spain and I cannot even come to meet my best friend." said Anushka before hugging Ritika.

"dada Vami woke up so I'll go play with her. Bye, love you. Virat chachu I love you more." Sammy fled away after blowing a flying kiss.

"see I told you she'll be fine in sometime. Anyways we got to go too, we planned to try this new recipe."

Virat and Rohit looked at each other before shaking their heads together. Virat turned to look at Julia staring at them blankly. He stiffened immediately as realisation dawned in that she has indeed heard everything.

"what is really going on? Why do I feel like you guys are lying." she narrowed her eyes at them.

Virat deduced that this was his time to shine. Extract revenge on Rohit for making Anushka his sister. Even the mere words sounded so sour on his tongue.

Virat took a deep breath before  patting Rohit's arm, "Ritika is our friend. Well she was Rohit's friend first and then I met her."

His friend, Rohit sighed in relief, he could live with that.

"but her husband cheated on her so they separated and now since Sammy has only seen Rohit around them constantly, she thinks that he's her father."

Rohit's world shook from the core as he tripped on his place.


He gritted his teeth, his jaw clenching before he turned to look in opposite direction, wanting to rip his own hair.

Julia looked at his pissed off expressions understanding that it was a sensitive issue.

"Rohit loathes the guy from the bottom of his heart. He would probably kill him if he ever came across him." Virat explained further.

"exactly, the husband deserves to rot in hell for that." Julia spat.
Rohit coughed before cursing the moron thousand times in his head. He knew Virat was doing this deliberately and literally fuck him.

Virat knew he was a horrible friend for wanting to laugh at Rohit's enraged expressions but this was hilarious and well he deserved it too.

The rest of the tour fortunately went unhindered before they came back to their place to call it a day.

Virat fell on the bed the second they entered the room, breathing in relief.

His phone was flooded with his and Rohit's pictures, all courtesy to Julia who forced them to take pictures at almost every step.

He just hopes the next few days passes like this too.

Well he can only hope.



"couple who?"

"these two." she said, pointing towards them.

Everyone's jaw went slack before Jaddu howled in laughter turning towards Ash, "would you like to paytm or Google pay the winning amount to me?"


a/n: i hope you liked it, honestly this is a super short story and we're already half way through, only five chapters more, i hope you're enjoying. XO

Also some people think why is Julia so interested in their business or why does she wants to know everything, the thing is if Julia doesn't ask then how would this story progress. It's a fictional story so please treat it like one, thank you!

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