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"Rohit get up

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"Rohit get up." Virat shook him hard.
Rohit only grumbled, burying himself into the covers and turning to the other side.

"uth ja mere bhai."

Virat mumbled some disparaging words under his breath before rolling his imaginary sleeves and pulling the duvet with all his might.
Rohit groaned again as sudden coldness hit his body and he subsequently curled himself even further.

"kya h?" Rohit sulked, finally sitting up as Virat threatened to pour the water jug on him and he knew Virat never gave empty threats.

[what is it?]

"freshen up and get dressed quickly, we're going sight seeing today. Julia volunteered to be our guide." Virat explained as he pulled Rohit up to make him stand.

Rohit took a few moments to register his words before he nodded his head yawning. This was something he despised about traveling, getting up early at ungodly hours.

He started walking towards the washroom but instead bumped into the wall near to it.
He winced slightly, rubbing the spot to ease the pain, sleep finally leaving his body.

Virat rolled his eyes at the koala before he got immensed back into his business.

He smiled widely as Vamika's face into frame, she grinned back instantly as she saw her father staring at her with pure adoration.

"hey Vami." he cooed, waving his hand at her.
She instantly lunched forward to hold it but pouted when she couldn't.

Virat chuckled softly at her innocence, his eyes filling with warmth and love looking at the tiny human being who looked just like him when he was a toodler.

"I miss you." a sudden sadness overtaking his strikingly handsome face(no I didn't write it intentionally😗), he really missed her and he hadn't really realised the extent until he saw her twinkling eyes and fountain ponytail.

"dada." she gushed clapping her eyes, another toothy grin forming on her face.

"all the love for her, nothing for her mother." Anushka raised her eyebrows in teasing, a small smile ready to break out on her face.

"I told you, I love her a little more than you." he smiled cheekily in response.

Anushka already knew that and she also knew if a situation came where Virat had to protect Vamika from zombies he would use her as a human shield, she had rolled her eyes when Virat announced this very seriously while watching train to Busan.

"she's getting more beautiful day by day just like a princess."

"wonder where she got it from." Anushka smirked, flipping her hair back.

"me." Virat puffed his chest.

"really Virat, calling yourself a princess. Such self obsession." Rohit called out, ruffling his hair with a towel to dry them.

"stop eavesdropping on our conversation." Virat rolled his eyes.

"hawww it's your conversation now. I thought I was a part of your family but dekh liya sila mere pyaar ka." Rohit dramatically put his hand on his forehead.


"Vamii." he smiled at her before throwing his towel on Virat's shoulder and snatching the phone from him, "move."

A hitting spree broke out between the two before Anushka had to intervene and scold the two.
After talking to them for a few minutes, Rohit bid them both bye and hurried to call his own wife and daughter.

"they are so cute."


"Rohit and Ritika obviously. Sad that they don't post much of themselves." she sighed dramatically.

"correction, Ritika is cute, Rohit just looks like a pig." Virat snickered shrugging his shoulders making Anushka chortle in laughter.

"I miss you so damn much." Virat confessed in all honesty as Vami ran to play, already bored of the conversation.

"I know." she teased clicking her tongue.

They talked for a few minutes before Virat unwillingly cut the call.

Sad that they don't post much of themselves.


Because Rohit hated PDA and that was exactly what Virat was going to do. Virat smirked, rubbing his hands together in excitement.


Virat shifted his chair closer to Rohit's who was actively engaged in learning the recipe of a traditional dish which he would beg Ritika to cook again when he got back home.

Rohit gave him a warning eyelook sensing him a little too close before shifting his own chair a little farther.

"I hope you guys slept well." Isabella enquired politely.

"I'm sure they did, they looked pretty settled last night." Julia intervened with a teasing look.

Virat and Rohit coughed to save themselves from the embarrassment.
Thankfully the conversation drifted into another direction without Isabella catching the double meaning.

Virat shoved the spoon into his mouth, waiting for the perfect opportunity to continue his plan, he knew he might regret this later because this made him just as uncomfortable but if it made Rohit red in embarrassment like him last night, it was worth it.

He put his hand on top of Rohit's who turned to look at him with questioning eyes.

Virat nodded his head in nothing before he intervened their fingers together, smiling sweetly at him.
Rohit's eyes widened before he looked around to see Julia and Isabella eying their actions with hawk eyes.

He cleared his throat awkwardly before he tried pulling his hand back.

"it's okay love, I'm sure they don't mind." Virat gagged internally before he tightened his grip on his.

"oh yeah of course. We're just in awe is all, we don't see couples staying here so much in love." Isabella laughed in delight.

Rohit shifted awkwardly in his place before glaring at Virat mentally and stabbing the food in his plate with the fork.

Virat smiled in triumph.

"so how many years have you guys been together?"

"almost 14 now." Virat exclaimed proudly.

"damn that's a long time." Julia's gasped in amazement.

"I know."

"okay I'll quickly go and get my bag and then we can move."

"you'll pay for this." Rohit hissed to Virat when Julia and Isabella left.

"ooooh kinky."

"shut up." Rohit kicked his feet, grumbling in displeasure making Virat laugh in glee.



"who's Anushka?" Julia asked curiously.

"oh his sister." Rohit laughed nervously.


Well I told you this update was shit but I'll try making the next fun!

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