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"everything okay?" Virat yawned, rubbing his eyes as he opened the door

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"everything okay?" Virat yawned, rubbing his eyes as he opened the door.

"yeah, actually some people have come to meet you." she explained.

Virat straightened before his eyes gleamed, "Ro get up, Mahi bhai is here."

Rohit sat linear at once. He hastily tried getting up, wanting to reach bhai before Virat but tangled in the duvet and tumbled down the bed instead, shrieking at the sudden fall.

On any other day with any other guest, Julia would have panicked but knowing these  lads for sometime now, she knew this was perfectly normal for them.

"amazing." Virat snickered as he walked towards him and gave his hand to pull him up but instead slipped himself, falling on top of him.

Rohit groaned as Virat's sudden weight landed on him before he pushed him off as both of them lay on the ground, gasping for air.

Julia rolled her eyes as she helped the two up before they made a run to reach the lot the quickest and a light hitting spree started between the two.

Looking at them sometimes Julia couldn't believe they were a couple, the way they fought all the time, teased each other, they resembled more of siblings but maybe this was their love language. They were extremely comfortable around each other and that spoke volumes.

Rohit pushed Virat away before hugging Mahi bhai himself. His shoulders slumped against him. Sensing his tired composure, Mahi bhai asked, "what happened Ro?"

"alot." he mumbled before reluctantly pulling away and giving him a soft smile, "but everything will be okay because you're here now."

Mahi bhai looked keenly at their faces, something definitely seemed off. He had also noticed this when he talked with them in the last two days but what exactly?

"do you know, in the house next to mine in Jamnagar lives a female ghost named Gulabo and she rides on her horse named Jalebi Prasad on full moon nights---"

"Jaddu stop with this nonsense." Virat scolded him  as he pulled him away before he gave an apologetic smile to Isabella.

Jaddu had found his next victim in Bella as they sat down and he ranted his favourite Jamnagar tales. Isabella who had not been warned about Jaddu's vicious sorry telling habits was caught prey but she enjoyed them nevertheless.

"bhaiya/B-Ro." Jassi, Rishabh and Hardik threw themselves on Rohit who barely managed himself from falling for the second time in the day.

Shreyas, Yuzi and Rahul launched themselves on Virat, a little more sanely then the other three but still with force.

From whatever hindi she had learned from the two in the last few days, Julia knew bhaiya/bhai meant big brother. She had also learned some not so good hindi words, all the curtesy to Virat.

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