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Virat almost tripped on his place when Anushka lunched into his arms

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Virat almost tripped on his place when Anushka lunched into his arms.
Ritika chuckled as she walked upto them as well and side hugged Rohit.

(for convinence of plot, assume Vamika and Sammy didn’t travel with them.)

"I missed you." she muttered as she closed her eyes in his embrace.
Virat only tightened his grip in return.

Everything aside, he had missed her so much and he  felt at peace with her finally in his arms.

"Rohit was right. They do look like a couple together." Julia muttered looking at the two of them who didn't mind the audience around.

Shreyas, Rahul and Rishabh who were standing just behind, heard her and face-palmed themselves.

"Rohit bhai, save your spouse." Shreyas poked at the other couple who were engaged in their talks.

Rohit suddenly seemed to get out of his dreamland and looked at Virat and Anushka still hugging and then at Julia who was eyeing them weirdly.

"spouse?" Ritika looked at him with narrowed eyes as she crossed her hands.

He cleared his throat as he gently pulled Virat out of Anushka's grasp.

"oh Ro." she beamed as she gave him a warm hug as well, "thank you for taking care of my hus-"


Anushka looked at Rahul in surprise, "come with me. I have to gift something to Athiya and I need your opinion." Rahul rambled quickly as he ushered her in with Hardik guiding Ritika with him immediately.

Rohit sighed in relief when the ladies went out of sight before turning to look at Julia.

"she seems the clingy type."

"she's not." Virat instantly defended, "she's the sweetest soul in the world."

Julia raised her brows in suspicion when Jaddu smoothly cut in, "we understand she's your sister Virat and every brother thinks his sister is the best."

"I don't." Rishabh frowned.

"neither do I." Shreyas agreed.

Virat stomped his feet on his as Jaddu winced before trying to poke him back with his elbows.

"stop it you two." MS scolded before gesturing them to get inside.

Julia fell in steps with Rohit before whispering to him, "are you okay?"

"yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Rohit asked in confusion.

"you know because you said that you feel insecure around her."

"oh yeah I'm fine." Rohit gave a strained smile, trying to get his facial expressions to perfection. Julia patted his shoulder in sympathy and comfort.

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