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Julia and Isabella had left for some grocery shopping, the boys had proposed to go with them to help in curtesy but they had politely refused

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Julia and Isabella had left for some grocery shopping, the boys had proposed to go with them to help in curtesy but they had politely refused.
(thank God)

As a result, all of them were sitting together, hearing Virat narrate the entire story.

Half of them had their mouths opened in disbelief while the rest of them were face-palming themselves at their stupidity (the seniors).

"I'm not surprised that she thought you were a couple already." Bhuvi muttered to himself, shaking his head.

"I'm sure there are some people who think they are a couple seeing the way the hug on the field." Ash agreed.

"they would have made a power couple, no doubt." Yuzi nodded.

"you needed a place to live and you came up with this ridiculous lie." Rahul spoke, barely keeping the shit eating grin off his face.

"I was tired, we had no other option except this and I had no desire to sleep on the roadside. I also had no idea that this would go this far." Virat vindicated in response.

"wait, what more lies have you made?" Jaddu asked, leaning forward eagerly, a maniacal glint passing his eyes at the mention of more juicy gossip.

Rohit and Virat looked at each other before Rohit sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I told them that Anushka is Virat's sister."

The entire room ruptured in pearls of laughter with Hardik and Jaddu predictably the loudest of all. Even Mahi bhai couldn't help the chuckles leaving his mouth making Rohit join in eventually as well.

Virat glared at all of them, his expressions of pure betrayal. Sensing that none of them seemed to stop, Virat interrupted, "I told them that Ritika's husband cheated on her and that Rohit hated him from the bottom of his heart."

The smile immediately wiped off Rohit's face as he glared back at Virat making him smirk.

"oh my God Ro, does Ritika know this? Did you even know this?" Hardik exclaimed, gasping for air before howling in laughter again.

"I didn't, until some time ago apparently." Rohit grumbled.

Mahi bhai coughed to stop himself from laughing seeing their puppy eyes but the story was a little too hilarious to not chortle.

"did you tell her that you guys exchange and wear each other's clothes?" Jaddu smiled wickedly, "even underwears."

"shut up we don't do that." Rohit gave him a disgusted eye as Virat repeatedly hit him with a pillow making Jadeja laugh even louder.

"okay okay calm down everyone." Hardik spoke, clapping his hands.

Virat was about to thank him before he opened his vile mouth again-

"so who's the top?" Hardik smirked blasphemously.
Virat looked around to see everyone sprawling, falling and dying in laughter once again.

"what's that?" Rishabh looked at him in confusion.

"top is someone who--"

"--who is in charge and right now that's me." Rohit pointed to himself smiling sweetly, "which is why you'll be running 5 extra laps for a week when we get back."

A look of horror passed Hardik's face before he looked at his partner in crime for some help.

Jaddu was about to jump in between before Virat interrupted, "make it 10 for flirting with Julia." he provoked.

"now I can't help you with that." Jaddu surrendered with his hands up.

Hardik sulked as he slumped back into his place as Virat gave Rohit a victory grin and they fist bumped.

"but on a serious note, have you guys thought how bad she's going to feel when she gets to know that all this is a lie?" Mahi spoke profoundly as he pointed between the two.

"we have." Virat sighed, "and everytime the guilt hits up because she and her mother are the sweetest people. They have literally treated us like a part of their family. We thought we'll be done and never come back but we have formed a bond between us and we feel like we're betraying them."

"but I don't think we have the courage to say the truth because then they might never believe the people who are genuinely a couple just because we broke their trust." Rohit confessed.

MS nodded his head in agreement while the rest of the boys contemplated on the thought.

Rishabh forwarded a glass of juice to Rohit who gratefully took it from him.

" this is so complicated." Jassi spoke.

"and it's about to get more complicated." Hardik laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

Virat and Rohit looked at him, a frown forming on their faces, "I swear if you have done something--"

"Anushka and Ritika are coming here." he rambled before Virat could finish his sentence.

Virat's mouth opened wide while Rohit choked on the juice.

"WHAT? WHY?" he screeched as he stood up in his place.

Shreyas rubbed Rohit's back in concern who coughed, still trying to process the new bomb dropped.

"well I didn't do anything. It was Yuzi." Hardik immediately pointed towards Yuzi who looked up horrified.

"what did you two do?" Virat asked eerily calmly.
A clear indication that shit was about to go down.

"Yuzi send them a message that you two are flirting with women here in their absence and that they should come and get their man back."

Virat narrowed his eyes before he ran after the two of them.

"I'm going to kill the two of you." he screamed as he aimed the pillows at them.

"I didn't know that they would actually get on a plane to be here." Yuzi cried, trying to dodge all the weapons thrown at him.

Mahi bhai held Virat before he could lunge at them, "it's okay. It's done now. We'll think of something, don't worry."

Virat simmered down in a few minutes before he sunk against Mahi bhai's chest, "Anushka is going to fry me into the pan when she comes here after hearing that."

"Ritika would bury me alive." Rohit spoke, a shiver running down his spine only at the thought.

"be like me, I'm not afraid of anything." Jaddu puffed his chest out.

"want me to remind you what happened when you forgot Reva's birthday? Where was this confidence then?" Ash dryly commented.

Jaddu's ego immediately inflated, gulping at the not so pleasant memory of begging her to forgive him and promising her to do anything in return (which she very well took advantage of).

" its okay bhaiyas, bhabhis trust you. I'm pretty sure they are coming here only to spend time with you two and moreover we can explain to them that you have not been flirting with any ladies." Jassi said, patting their back in reassurance.

"exactly because they have been flirting among themselves." Shreyas and Rahul giggled.

OH boy, this was going to get more messy.


a/n: I hope you enjoyed it.

Also alot of you have been confused on the bet situation so here it is, Jaddu and Ash bet on Rohit and Virat. Nobody knew about it. It wasn't if they are couple but if they would do idiotic things alone in Seville and they did which is why Jaddu won.

I mean at this point, I'm not even sure why Ash would bet something like that when we know they are maniacs🤷🏻‍♀️

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