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Because you guys have been sooo amazing, here's an early update

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Because you guys have been sooo amazing, here's an early update.

Happy reading!


"please don't burn my kitchen." Isabella begged Hardik who was ready to flip the sacred place into a mess.

The boys and the two ladies had jelled up pretty well even in the short amount of time. The boys realised why they (Virat and Rohit) felt bad for lying to them and Isabella and Julia realised what Virat and Rohit meant when they said the team was mad.

"don't worry, I'm a professional." Hardik puffed his chest as he gave her a proud smile.

"professional kitchen disaster, yes." Jassi added as he entered the kitchen too to save the house and themselves from Hardik's boisterous cooking skills.

God forbid, he didn't want to die at such a young age.

"why do you never have nice things to say about me?" Hardik complained.

"for that, you have to do nice things that I doubt you would ever." Jassi replied dryly as he took the vegetables from Isa's hand who thanked him kindly.

"Bhuvi look at him." Hardik wailed as soon as Bhuvi entered the kitchen.

"Jaddu and Yuzi seemed to be up for some mischief, go and see what they are doing."

"really, how could they plan a prank without me?" Hardik gasped as he ran out to the duo in the fear of missing out.

Bhuvi shook his head as he generously proposed to help Isabella in cooking too.


"sit together, you two." Ash mischievously commented when he saw Virat and Rohit sitting far from each other at the most ends of the couch.

"no I guess we are fine here." Rohit laughed nervously as he waved his hand nonchalantly.

"it's okay, we don't mind. We are really sorry that we couldn't figure this out and you had to hide from us. We wish we could have helped you in some way." Jaddu exclaimed sadly.

Virat looked at Jaddu in incredulity. This piece of shi-

"now we know what were those weird sounds that came from the dressing room when you two were alone." Hardik wriggled his eyebrows roguishly.

Shreyas and Yuzi coughed which very suspiciously sounded like a failed cover up for a laugh.

"if you don't shut up now," Rohit gave a huge fake smile while gritting his teeth, "you are running 20 laps, for 2 weeks."

Hardik threw his hands up in surrender before he pulled himself into Jaddu's and Yuzi's hurdle.

"your team is amazing." Julia grinned cheekily, "they are really my kinda vibe."

"amazing at embarrassing us, yes." Virat sighed as he rubbed his temples.

MS patted his head in sympathy. Mahi wasn't sure if Rohit and Virat landed into troubles or if they were the troubles.

Since their debuts, the two have always been upto some mischief, often times landing into troubles. Mahi still remembers the near heart heart he had when Virat called him from a police station in the middle of the night.

But this was different, he, for the first time wasn't sure if he felt bad or wanted to laugh at their awkward and weirded faces.

The doorbell rang, breaking his thought process as Julia got up to open the door.

"are they here already?" Rohit sat straight as he looked at Virat in fear.

"I don't know." the two of them instantly shifted closer, holding their hands, trying to give each other the reassurance that they will face this together.

"someone is asking for a dude with loads of tattoos, a weird hairstyle and the guy as thin as a pole." Julia explained as she eyed the two trouble makers sitting together.

(i know Hardik doesn't have a weird hairstyle now but I needed a distinctive feature so let's assume he does)

"what did you two do now?" MS face-palmed himself. Can he have atleast one day in peace? With this bunch of hooligans, apparently not.

He cleared his throat when he saw them whispering furiously among themselves.

"can these two live without any shenanigans?" Rohit gave a disgusted eye to the two of them with Virat nodding in affirmation.

"come on, let's see what's this now." Mahi sighed as he made his way to the front door with the rest of the team making a beeline behind them.

Mahi looked up to see a 6 feet tall guy, seething in anger when he spotted Hardik along with Yuzi who very innocently stood behind everyone.

"what happened sir?"

"I'm going to report these two to the police." he scowled pointing an accusing finger in their direction.

Everyone's eyes widened at the threat while the two culprits shrunk even further.

"calm down sir, please tell us what happened?" Mahi bhai requested as he passed them a side eye which very well meant I'll see you two later and it won't be good.

"these two stuck this on the backside of my Tshirt in the middle of the street." he forwarded the paper to him.

"I bet you can't rip my wig off because the glue's that strong."

"I have lost the number of times, random people have tried riping my hair off and making me actually go bald."

Rahul, Rishabh and Shreyas tried hiding their faces to hide the chuckle.

What were Hardik and Yuzi high on these days?

Rohit smacked Hardik on the head while Virat hit Yuzi's, glaring at the two of them.

Mahi bhai stared at the paper as this reminded him of that one time when Yuvi had stolen a kid's candy and their mother had almost gotten them beaten by a mob. They had apologized thousands of times and she had threatened to call the police station and had almost made them call their mothers.
Calling their mothers was much worse than going to the police station.

A small smile formed on his face at the nostalgic memory.

"Mahi bhai." hissed Jaddu as he pointed at the guy glaring at him.

MS instantly cleared his throat, the smile wiping off his face as he turned to the two, "why are you hiding? Please come in the front."

Jassi and Rahul pushed them forward as they innocently looked at him.

MS almost melted before he steadied and pulled at their ears.
Both of them yelped begging him to let go.

"would you do that again?"

"no never, please let go. It's hurting Mahi bhai." they wailed.

MS instantly let go off them because he could never stand his kids hurting.
He signaled them to apologise.

"we are very sorry. We didn't mean any harm. It was only a prank."

It took a few moments before the guy finally smiled at them and forgave them, patting their backs and turned to leave.
Everyone sighed in relief as they turned around to enter the house again.

"can this day get any worse?"



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