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Macau for weeks have taken care of Pete like he promised Vegas he would do. He watched him in school, made sure Pete eat, and tried every possible way take his mind off of Vegas but Macau still hear the cries at night.

But Macau hasn't reconcile with Elias since that day and he's distracted himself from trying to talk to him by hanging around other people.

It really seemed like things were falling apart.

Pete still insisted that he got his everyday training with Macau to protect himself just like Vegas wanted him to do incase a vampire came to attack them again.

Suddenly the door bell ring repeatedly which was aggravating the bell out of Macau until he super super to the door to open it. Macau saw it was Elias surprisingly at his doorstep.

"What are you doing here at my house?" Macau question him.

"I wanted to see you. I missed you and we haven't talked since what happened." Elias admitted.

"Yeah I've been busy. I'm taking care of Pete and my brother is missing. I had no time to fix our relationship." Macau explained.

"But our relationship doesn't need fixing. You just need to trust me." Elias said as he wanted so badly to be forgiving.

"Macau who's at the....Elias?" Pete came out of nowhere as he approached both Macau and Elias who were standing at the door. "What are you doing here?" Pete asked him.

"I'm here to see M-"

"You! Elias is here to visit you Pete. Why else would he be here." Macau cut Elias off before he could finish his sentence.

"Oh that's nice. Come on in. I just finished working out." Pete said as he invited his friend inside their house.

Macau wanted to protest and not let Elias into their home but Pete insisted and it was too late as Elias was already making himself in their entrance hall.

"I'll shower and we can eat lunch." Pete announced as he went upstairs to clean himself.

Now it was Macau and Elias alone again.

"You need to leave. I'll tell Pete you couldn't stay." Macau grabbed ahold of Elias's arm to force him to leave but Elias was holding himself not to.

"No, I'm staying for lunch like Pete said. It's just like you said earlier. I'm here for Pete and not for you." Elias smirked as he used Macau's own words against him.

"You're being annoying. I'm making you leave because I don't want to cause suspicion to Pete about us being together. He doesn't know and I'm not ready to tell him yet." Macau admitted as he was not ready.

"Well I am. Pete is my best friend and he wouldn't mind us dating. In fact, he will be happy for us." Elias admitted.

"You don't get it. Pete is not himself lately. My brother disappeared and Pete has been depressed. If he sees us happy, it will only make him feel worse. I'm trying to be considerate of his feelings." Macau explains.

"So what now? You want me to pretend we are friends or something?" Elias asked the young vampire.

"More like strangers." Macau answered and then walked away from the human to prepare the table for lunch.

"Can I at least help you set up the table?" Elias offered.

"No, I got it. I've set up the table many times before you were even born." Macau said a bit cold but Elias only smirked.

"Okay, I'm done. Let's eat." Pete came back with an enthusiastic smile on his face.

Macau truly enjoyed him being happy and he knows it's really because food is involved. All three men sat down together as the maids came and placed lunch in front of them.

"So Elias, what brings you around? We really never hanged out once you got back." Pete asked his childhood best friend.

"I um......been busy with my dads company remember? Sorry about us not hanging out earlier." Elias came up with.

"I understand. You have big priorities now." Pete said as a placed his head down a little.

"What about you? What have you been up too lately?" Elias questioned Pete.

"I've been trying to find Vegas. We had a fight and he left home. Me and Macau been trying to look for him." Pete admitted.

"Pete let's not talk about it. The food is ready okay." Macau stepped in and said as he tried to distract Pete with food.

Elias find Vegas disappearance cowardly as he ran away and left Pete heartbroken. As much as Elias love the fact that Pete is no longer with that psycho vampire, he hates seeing Pete sad the most.


Just about the strike of 9pm, Venice opened his room door and peep through the hallow halls as he heard glass shattering. He wanted to check on his mother but he needed to focus on his task first.

Venice went to his mothers bed room and went into her large closet and search for clues of anything. He wasn't sure what he was looking for but he sense his mother is hiding some dark secret.

Ever since his mother told him the story about his father Vegas, it had been on his mind. How could someone be that evil and leave their son and girlfriend behind.

A huge book fell top of Venice head, causing Venice to wince from the pain but someone came out of the book. A bunch of unfamiliar pictures were exposed to the boy as Venice picked it up and saw a picture of a very handsome man in suite and his mother in a wedding dress.

"Was mom married?" Venice asked himself as he stare at the picture.

Another photo came along as a picture of Venice as a new born baby was being held by the same handsome man in his arms.

"What are you doing?" A feminine bass voice startled Venice as he jumped the pictures on the ground.

"M-Mom?" Venice stuttered.

The woman walked towards her son as he bend down and picked up the pictures off the ground. She started at them as tears fell down her face.

"We were supposed to be a happy family." She sobs as she saw the pictures.

"Mom, are you okay? We're you really married to dad?" Venice asked his mother.

"We were married but it doesn't love me. He loves someone else." She said as she placed the photos back in the book and up in the closet where she hid them. "Come here Venice. Dinner is ready for you." The mother guided her son out of her bedroom as the went to go eat dinner for the night.

But through that night in Chiangmai, Vegas was looking at the stars through the window as he drank a blood bag.

"I got a call from Macau again. He said a guy name Elias showed up at the house." Yai walked in as he announced.

"How's Pete?" It's what Vegas asked since that was the only thing he cared about.

"He's fine but he hasn't giving up on finding you." Yai mentioned and Vegas clenched his fist tightly.

"I only need to disappear for a couple of more years. He will get over it and live his life without me." Vegas believes as this was the only way this can end.

He will hide until Pete forget about him. Pete's heart will heal and he will find another love.

"It's hard to forget you know. You've loss so much already. Now Pete and your son." Yai mentions as Vegas hasn't heard not once about his son for 120 years since the tragic accident.

It was such a dark period for Vegas and he never wants  to relive it again.

"That's why I left to save Pete before I loose him." Vegas admits to why he won't go back.

A/N: ignore the mistakes :)

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