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Vegas left Pete upstairs in his room hours ago as he was wrapping up his meeting with some investors that tried to take more of the profits. Vegas pretended to make a great deal today and everything is going according to plan. Vegas was doing a business favor for his cousins in Chiangmai since Vegas owed them a favor for their help many years ago.

"Mr. Theerapanyakul, I am glad you decided to still work with us after some....lost of profit."

"Of course. In ever business there is always a small bump on the road." Vegas said as he played his fake polite tone.

"I'm glad to here you say that." The old man investor stood up as he pointed a gun targeted at Vegas's head.

Guard's that surrounded the room pointed their gun at Vegas as well. Vegas wasn't a bit surprised that Mr. Bam would attempt to try and kill him as he sensed this vibe long before this meeting even started.

Vegas only sat there Calle as he picked up his tea and took a sip.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot me." Vegas command Mr. Bam to pull his trigger.

Mr. Bam was cautious as he didn't know what game Vegas was really playing here. Vegas only chuckled that Mr. Bam is too afraid to kill him.

"You thought this would scare me? I saw through this pathetic little plan awhile back. You think I didn't hear you're little plan from outside the room before the meeting started?" Vegas admitted as he knew the entire thing was a set up.

"If you knew this would happen, why didn't you run away?" Mr. Bam questioned as his hand was holding tight onto the gun.

"Because it's fun and I wanted to see how this was gonna play out." Vegas smirked as he admitted.

"Fun? You think getting set up and having a fun pointed to your head is fun?" Mr. Bam said as he couldn't believe the madness that was coming out of Vegas's mouth.

'What kind of sick psychopath is this?'

"I think what's more funny is that you think you could fool me. You thought taking more than have the profits and lie about making it seem like you guys were loosing money would make you more richer. I don't tolerate greediness and you all will pay with your lives for lying." Vegas changed his entire attitude as he was now very angry.

Even some of the guards lower their guns as they didn't like the intimidating look of Vegas. Vegas stood up as he revealed his true self as his eyes glow of blood red and his sharp fangs popping out as Vegas went full vampire.

Terrorizing everyone in the meeting room. Everyone was shaking in fear from the transformation as they dropped their weapons on the ground. Vegas darted his eyes as he swiftly chocked out  the closer guard as he lifted his entire body up in the air with ease by the neck.

The guard struggled to breathe as his legs kicked around as he tried his hardest to break free from the monstrous grip of Vegas. After some minutes, the guard stopped moving as he could no longer breathe. Vegas pulled his body down and snapped his neck, securing a fatal death.

Everyone in the room was stunned that Vegas just killed a man like it was nothing.

Vegas continued his murderous assault as he killed every guard one by one. Mr. Bam feared for his life as he couldn't watched all his men being taken out so easy and fast.

Mr. Bam ran out of the meeting room as fast as his old legs could take him. Vegas noticed the old man ran away as he smirked mischievously.

"They always run but I love a good chase." Vegas said as he enjoyed the satisfaction of chasing down his prey.

"Help! Someone help me!" Mr. Bam screamed for dear life for anyone to help but it's not use as Vegas was already on his tail.

Mr.Bam suddenly tripped over his own feet as he couldn't feel his legs anymore. He turned around to see if Vegas was behind him and he was.

"P-Please don't kill me." He begged for his life as he cried in tears.

"Oh come one Mr. Bam. I only want to play game. Let's play one game and the looser of the game dies." Vegas smiled as he enjoys the scared look onto Mr. Bam's face.

"P-Please, just let me live. I promise I will give you your profits back." Mr. Bam promises.

Vegas frowned as he felt Mr. Bam was already boring him. How can a old greedy man have fun with him? Vegas that there was just one way to end this. He exposed his fangs as he dug into his neck and started to drink him dry.

Mr.Bam screamed in agony as his blood was draining out from his body. After Vegas was done will his fill, he dragged Mr. Bam's body and the rest of the dead bodies in a pile as he was getting ready to burn them down into ashes.


Meanwhile, Pete was in so much pain still as he could barley move to use the bathroom and going downstairs  wasn't a option as he couldn't even make it to the door. Pete was starving and he wished he could eat since he barley ate breakfast because he got fucked all morning.

"Vegas you asshole." Pete cursed as he slam his hand onto the mattress in anger.

The door knock and Pete's head instantly shot you as he thought finally Vegas returned but it was Macau with a tray of food in his hand.

"I was so worried and didn't see you all day for lunch so I came up to bring you dinner." Macau said as he brought the tray for Pete.

Pete was honestly very grateful for Macau as he was the only person treating him with kindness.

"You have no idea how starving I am." Pete admitted that he was so hungry.

"I assume......you and my brother...."

"Ahem, you figured it out?"

"I actually heard it. I have super hearing so I heard everything. I got so annoyed after the first hour that I had to leave the house and come back later on." Macau admitted and Pete felt super embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry Macau. I'm really-"

"You don't need to apologize. This is classic Hia and his ways to control people. I'm not sure why he targeted you but my brother normally only does this when he is getting something important out of this." Macau admitted which capture Pete's attention.

Pete wondered the same thing why Vegas out of all people picked him to be his sex toy.

"But....I could bet on one thing. My brother is probably in love and you attracted him and he doesn't even realize it yet." Macau suggested which made Pete scoff.

"I doubt your brother is in love with me. He's a vampire and he clearly doesn't have a soul." Pete laughed as he thought that idea was so silly.

"Our soul might be gone but our heart still exists and it beats. It's hard for us vampires to fall in love because when we do, it lasts forever and we are magical tide to that person as if it our way of breathing or just feeling alive for the first time all over again." Macau explained.

Such strong words Macau spoke as Pete had no idea that Vampire have such a strong connection to the ones they love. Pete could see it in Vegas that he cares about his little brother. So maybe it's true.

"Macau, have you ever been in love?" Pete asked out of curiosity.

"No never. I was just told this feeling by someone who was in love and I kind of understand that feeling." Macau admitted. "I should probably let you eat in peace. My brother should be back soon. I can only imagine how that meeting could be going." Macau stands up from the bed as he approaches the door and leaves.

Pete continued to eat his food as Macau's words linger in his head.

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